Oxalis hedysaroides rubra 'Fire Fern'
Oxalis hedysaroides rubra 'Fire Fern'開花圖參考及簡介:The deep, maroon-red leaves and brilliant yellow
blossoms make this one of our most sought-after species. An ever-
green Oxalis that has brightened windowsills and sunrooms for many
years with its richness of color. A native of Colombia, Venezuela, and
Ecuador, it thrives in a bright sunny spot and warm temperatures.
Oxalis inaequalis
OxalisinaequalisO. inaequalis稱為美花酢醬草,特色葉小花大,其葉肉質,又名肉酢。
開花圖參考及簡介:Tiny succulent leaves, less than 1/4" across,
hug the soil surface.In spring,large flowers of a very dark cop-
per orange are produced on 2-3" stems.The bulbs are very tiny.
:s105 :s105 :s105 :s105 大开眼界!:s02 :s02 :s02 :s02
漂亮 喜欢图文并茂的形式,一目了然.
原来酸浆草还有这么多东东.07年五一节从川西过时,见过火红火红的酸浆草,当时还以为是高原紫外线强的原因,却不因这其中可能暗有原因呢.:s10 每天看一遍
看的我无语了~~~ 今天逛群空间的时候才发现陌上有这篇帖子,于是赶紧收藏,谢谢fen,谢谢tido:s63 :s63 :lol TIDO又来放毒 深受毒害:s105 :s105 :s105 ,没药救了 :s109 :s109 :s109 :s109 . tido的酢浆太漂亮了,我只有肉酢和双色啊:s108