黑妹 发表于 2006-7-7 06:52


黑妹 发表于 2006-7-7 06:55


黑妹 发表于 2006-7-7 06:57


黑妹 发表于 2006-7-7 07:02


草莓 发表于 2006-7-7 16:52


蕊寒香 发表于 2006-7-7 21:35

<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>黑妹</i>在2006-7-6 22:52:58的发言:</b><br/><p>唐菖蒲开出了第三种颜色.</p><p>&nbsp;<img src="attachments/dvbbs/2006-7/20067622524398759.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=\'hand\'; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(\'attachments/dvbbs/2006-7/20067622524398759.jpg\');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></p></div>看到后面的猪了,新败的麽?要看花花!

黑妹 发表于 2006-7-8 00:58


黑妹 发表于 2006-7-18 04:52


黑妹 发表于 2006-7-18 04:53


黑妹 发表于 2006-7-18 04:56

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