本帖最后由 梅花坞 于 2012-12-2 20:17 编辑
Top Garden Trends for 2012
Small Plants with Big Impact小植物大作用
Small-space gardening just became a lot easier with newintroducti** such as the Flutterby Petite series of dwarf butterfly bushesfrom Ball Horticultural Company. Hydrangeas, ninebarks, weigelas, and butterflybushes are tried-and-true favorites now available in dwarf sizes to captivateeven the smallest of yards.
Creative Veggie Gardens有创意的蔬菜园
Edible landscapes have been popular for years, but we'reseeing readers getting cleverer with their veggie gardens. Instead of growingcabbage in a straight line, try curves. Plant perennials right next to yourbasil and sage. And in lieu of wood, build your raised beds out of galvanizedsteel or rustic materials. Just as you would design your landscape tocomplement your personal style, design your vegetable garden to match. ……就是像布置花境一样布置蔬菜搭配。。。
Skinny Apples节省空间的“芭蕾苹果树”(淘宝上看过这个名字。。。不知道有没有更正式的名称?)
Growing your own fruit is just a hot as growingvegetables and herbs. Bring an apple orchard into your backyard without losingyour entire yard by planting a columnar apple tree. Varieties in the UrbanColumnar Apple series grow only 8-10 feet tall and less than 2 feet wide,making it easy to grow and harvest the same as if you had an acreage of apples.Plus, their height and texture make these trees a perfect focal point in thelandscape.
Miniature Gardens迷你生态空间
Miniature landscapes allow you to express your style on asmall scale. Creating a terrarium, tropical container, or fairy garden is funand easy to display at the office, in your home, or on the patio.
The Sky's the Limit天作屋檐
Take advantage of a barren rooftop to create an outdoorspace filled with raised garden beds, vegetable containers, and comfortableseating areas ready to entertain friends and family. 好好利用露台空间,用各种花器和座椅营造舒适的休闲区。。(难道外国都不下雨的么。。。。)
Herbs Within an Arm's Reach触手可得的蔬菜
What's more accessible than having fresh herbs growing inyour kitchen, ready to season your latest meal. Thanks to vertical gardeningsystems, such as this one from BrightGreen, you can have vertical and highlydecorative growing modules for plants -- such as basil and cilantro -- toflourish right where you need them the most.
Fireplaces Are Out -- Fire Pits Are In 壁炉奥特了,火坑才流行。。。
Gathering close around a fire pit or firepot with friendsand family has become more comfortable than the large, outdoor rooms anchoredwith a fireplace. They create a cozy environment and they cost a lot less thantheir larger counterparts.
Boost Your Oxygen Level提升氧气指数——室内盆栽
Houseplants have long been an easy way to add a touch ofthe garden inside. With low-maintenance, new varieties such as air plants andMoss Rocks, anyone can claim a green thumb.
Bonus: Indoor plantsactually clean the toxins from the air inside your home. Look for the O2 forYou series of plants, for example --- these plants are top-of-the-class forscrubbing pollutants out of your air.
Play Up Texture玩点儿文艺的——别人木有见过的,有独特色泽或质感的观叶植物,装文艺效果比单纯种花好太多哦~
Make room in your landscape this year for texture --whatever texture that might be! Incorporating annuals and perennials such aselephant ears, blue fescue, Japanese painted ferns, Rex begonia, and lamb's earto your garden beds will instantly add pizzazz that outlasts any floweringplant.
Get Personal来点个人风格(不要老是仿欧仿美嘛,很少有花友发布自己漂亮的中式园子,或者带有各种个人特色的。期待充满个性的花园出现!)
Extending your individual style from the interior to theexterior has become a top landscape priority. From traditional shrubbery andstructural lines to vintage accents from repurposed materials, anything goes inthe garden to create the same comfort you find in your living room.
Go Beyond Annuals在大盆里种棵造型优美的树或灌木
Container gardens are the easiest way to add a punch ofcolor and grow veggies where you don't have room. What's hot this year isadding ornamental trees or shrubs with attractive foliage and/or blooms tocreate a grandiose focal point in the garden. Trees such as Japanese maple,dwarf Korean lilac, on standard, shrub rose on standard, or even a weepingcherry tree work well planted among annuals and perennials within a largecontainer.
Take Another Look老品种花花换新颜
Many old-fashioned plant varieties are getting afacelift! Favorites such as tea roses, hibiscus, lilacs, coneflowers, and
are now sitting center stage as their plant breeders are tweaking them tobetter appeal to today's landscape. Bella Anna hydrangea (pictured) was bred tobe just as reliable as older 'Annabelle' -- but with additional features suchas large, reblooming pink flowers.Get Intimate亲密地挤在一起多开心~
Small outdoor spaces or separate rooms create a cozierenvironment for entertaining. No longer are people attracted to the extravagantdesign of a large patio or multilevel deck. Gathering close enough to hear awhisper is where people feel most relaxed.
Create a Wildlife Haven打造野生动物的天堂,营造自然和谐和生态平衡的花园。
Attracting birds and butterflies is fun, but it's also away for gardeners to get involved with helping the ecosystem and creating amore environmentally friendly garden. Birds and butterflies are essential forcontrolling insects as well as pollinating flowers. Easily create an intriguinghabitat with berry plants, fragrant flowers, and birdseed during the wintermonths.
Be a Bee Lover爱上养蜂
Everyone benefits when a queen bee lives in yourbackyard. She will command her workers to pollinate all your flowers and supplyenough honey to drizzle on your peanut butter sandwich or over your corn breadmuffin for the entire season. Although a beekeeper's outfit seems misleading,beekeeping is fairly simple to maintain. Look to your local extension officefor classes or visit your local library for helpful resources.
Containers Aged to Perfection上了年纪的花器是最好的陪衬
From furniture to containers, colors are getting moremuted. Containers with an aged look -- patinas, encrustati**, crackledfinishes -- are becoming the focal point in gardens. Use plants withcontrasting colors and foliage to highlight the rustic exterior of yourplanter.
Fresh-Cut Bouquets Straight From the Garden也许你没大地方种一片切花,但你可以选择其它品种,一样可以采来装饰你的家。
Enjoy fresh flower bouquets whenever you feel the urge bycutting blooms right from your garden. You don't need a large plot to grow acut-flower garden. Careful design with the most prolific bloomers can easilyfill an 8x10-foot area -- and your vase for an entire season.
Colorful Canning五彩缤纷的自制罐头
With a large movement towards vegetable gardens, canning,drying, and pickling have naturally become the next step in self-sustainableliving. Experimenting with salsa recipes, tomato pastes, and pickles is the newweekend hobby building confidence in gardeners -- young and old alike.
Urban Farming自家农场——养鸡不一定需要很大地方,看似繁重的工作,可以让十几岁的孩子完成(赞成!给那些为应试而忙的中学生找点更有意义的课外活动吧!)
Raising chickens is no longer for the rural farmer. Hobbyfarming within the boundaries of a residential lot is all the craze, makingyour morning omelet taste so much better with fresh eggs from the backyard.Most chicken coops take up less room than a toolshed, and although raisingchickens may seem overwhelming, daily tasks are easy enough for teens tocomplete.
Succulent Obsession低投入,高回报的多肉(石头缝隙里种着多好看)
Succulents have been all the rage for a few years now,using them for tabletop containers, vertical gardens, or drought-tolerantcontainers. Take it a step further by incorporating creeping succulents intoyour garden. Plant them along and within stone steps, stone retaining walls, orcarve out little pockets within a patio for succulents that can take heavytraffic. Wherever you plant them, know the maintenance is minimal and thereturn is high.
Horizontal Appeal矮树,可美化空间,方便打理
Traditionally espalier was exclusive to fruit trees, butnow a variety of trees are being trained to branch horizontally, offering newdesign possibilities, particularly in small spaces. Plant crabapples inchesfrom an exterior wall to soften a space and add spring color. Positionespaliered trees on the patio or deck to create a living privacy screen. Or goold-style and grow apple trees horizontally for easy access to the fruit.
Reuse and Abuse废旧物再利用。坏掉的喷泉装饰,填上土,种上合适的植物,就是漂亮的花器。(大爱这个多肉喷泉~~)
Repurposing materials in the garden is a great way to addbudget-friendly accents to a cottage landscape. Think beyond a container'sinitial purpose and see what it can be used for. If a water fountain no longerretains water, fill it with soil for a cascading display of succulents, sedums,and other plants. Other materials to c**ider: galvanized containers,wheelbarrows, wire or metal containers, wicker baskets, and toolboxes.