本帖最后由 蒙丸子 于 2014-5-3 13:19 编辑
本帖最后由 蒙丸子 于 2014-5-3 13:07 编辑
路易欧迪属于波旁月季,是一个相对古老的品种。有人称这类品种为老玫瑰,但其实它并不是玫瑰。根据植物学,严格意义上的玫瑰应该是Rosa Rugosa。而这种介于大马士革蔷薇和现代月季之间的品种,应当可以称之为月季吧。查到的资料上是这么写的:
Louise Odier 路易丝欧吉尔
Bourbon Roses
From Brent Dickerson:
"Bourbon Roses are named for the Ile Bourbon, now called Reunion, in the Indian Ocean, where they traditionally are supposed to have originated from a natural cross between the China `Pars**' Pink' and the red `Tous-les-Mois', a Damask Perpetual, two roses which were used as hedge material on the island. (This, however, is an area of hot dispute in almost every particular.) Seeds of this plant, and cuttings of the plant, showed up in Paris in 1819 and 1821 respectively. The way in which the virtues of its disparate parents were combined made these new roses popular, and after ten years of largely unsuccessful attempts, good new Bourb** began to come out of the breeding grounds in the 1830's. In the best of them, vigor was combined with floriferousness, and beauty with fragrance.
A typical Bourbon will have the arching growth harkening back to its Damask ancestors, with the lush flowers and fragrance from much the same source; but it will also have a strong tendency to rebloom from the China ancestor, as well as a certain often subtle influence of the China flower form. Bourb**, however, are often not typical at all, and range from the arching growth just mentioned to the very dwarf, China-like growth of the cultivar 'Hermosa', indeed one of the oldest Bourb** still available (it had shown up by 1835). They range in color from deep reds through pinks to blush and white.
The easygoing charms of the Bourb** have returned them to the forefront of popularity among today's old rose people, though very few were introduced after 1900; their original heyday was the period 1830-1850."
Charles Lawson Souvenir de President Lincoln
Gruss an Teplitz Souvenir de la Malmaison
Honorine de Brabant Variegata di Bologna
(为什么没有路易欧迪呢…… 来源:http://paulbardenroses.com/bourb**/index.html)
大马士革蔷薇(Rosa damascena)也叫“突厥蔷薇”,属古代品种,有两个种群:一为每年夏季开一次花,另一为每年秋季开第二次花;为天然杂交种,产地不一定是大马士革。有专业人士认为,拉丁文“damask”就是红色的意思。该品种于1259—1270年间自伊朗传入欧洲。每年夏季开一次花的半重瓣大马士革蔷薇,为法国蔷薇与腓尼基蔷薇的杂交种,能生产玫瑰油,具有很高的商业价值,在保加利亚已栽培二百年以上。
闻名世界的玫瑰油是从大马士革蔷薇鲜花中蒸馏获得的,用于制造香料。由于玫瑰油在国际市场上每克价格超过黄金,因此被誉为“液体黄金”。这种无色或淡黄 色芳香液体,是优质香水和甜酒的贵重成分,不少药品、化妆品也常用到它。