本帖最后由 曼烟纾凝 于 2012-1-20 12:02 编辑
Prune Fruit Trees修剪果树
Late Winter or Early Spring 冬末春初时 Most fruit trees, including apples, pears, cherries, and peaches, benefit from beingthinned every year. This encourages a more open habit that keeps the treeshealthy and makes it easier to harvest the produce. The best time to prune isbefore new growth develops.
Pull Back Winter Mulch除去护根层
Early Spring 早春时 If you spread a layer of winter mulch to protect your plants from heaving, you'llwant to remove it when plants begin to grow and danger of extreme wintertemperatures has passed. Test Garden Tip: Keep mulch or some type of covering handy to protect your plants in thecase of an unseasonably late arctic blast.
Prune Roses修剪玫瑰 Early Spring 早春时 In most regi**, you'll want to prune your roses just as or before new growth emerges fromthe canes. Cutting your roses back encourages strong, healthy shoots that willproduce lots of blooms. A trim also gives the plants a more open habit, whichhelps them resist diseases such as black spot. Plant Trees and Shrubs
Plant Trees and Shrubs种植树和灌木
Early, Mid-, or Late Spring Spring's cool, moist conditi** make it the perfect timeto add trees and shrubs to your yard. There are manyreas** to grow trees and shrubs: They add value and beauty to your property;they can shade your home, reducing your summer energy bills; and if you selectfruit-bearing varieties such as apples or blueberries, they supply food for your family.
Test Garden Tip: The most common mistake when planting trees and shrubs is planting them too deeply. The rootflare, where the roots meet the trunk, should be at or just above the soillevel.
Start Out with Cool-Season Annuals 开始种冷季节一年生植物
Early or Midspring 春季早或中期
Annual flowers fall into two categories: varieties thatlike it warm and varieties that like it cool. Most cool-season annuals, such aspansies and violas, nemesia, diascia, calendula, poppy, snapdragon, and sweet alyssum, can take a little frost. Plant them inbeds and borders or containers and gain a few early weeks of color. Test Garden Tip: Most cool-season annuals fade when summer heat arrives; replace them withheat-loving varieties, such as petunia, pentas, nasturtium, and lantana, forcolor all summer long.
Cut Back Ornamental Grasses修剪观赏草 Early Spring早春 Cut back ornamental grasses to about 4 inches tall beforeor just as they put out new growth. This is also the time to divide ornamentalgrasses, if you wish to do so. Test Garden Tip: Leave spent grass leaves on top of your compost pile so birds can easilyaccess them to make nests.