<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>shuer</I>在2005-11-2 11:01:15的发言:</B><br>
<P>又买了盆CHRYSLER IMPERIAL ROSE,这可是1953年得奖的品种哦.可是由于在盆里,看上去好弱,现在移到土里了,等它长壮实了,再用它试试.[em02][em02]</P></DIV>
<P><B>Hybrid Tea Rose - Chrysler Imperial</B> </P>
<P>1952</P><IMG src="http://www.roseinfo.com/images/509.jpg"> <br>
<P>This rose was one of the first roses to be involved in the promotional marketing of a consumer product, the Chrysler Imperial car. We can only hope the cars bearing this name performed as well. Lovely, long pointed buds open to globular flowers of dark velvety red. The 4-5 inch blooms contain a strong citrus scent . A must in any of our flower arrangements, we enjoy the striking color and the heavenly fragrance. The bush is nicely shaped with semi-glossy foliage.<br></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-2 23:40:24编辑过]