Oxalis luteola 'Glauca'
開花圖參考及簡介:The loveliest of all the varieties of O. luteola
we grow. This one has crimson backed leaves so glaucous the
upper surface appears blue. Very large flowers of pale primrose
yellow. 看看Duty1026家今年一月間開花的Oxalis luteola 'Glauca',
Oxalis lobata
開花圖參考及簡介:Often in bloom as early as August, with neat
mounds of foliage topped with honey-scented buttercup-yellow
flowers. Being quite well behaved, it is very suitable for the rock
garden. South America.
Oxalis obliquifolia
開花圖參考及簡介:The large pristine white flowers are beautifully
set off by mounds of neat trifoliate leaves that are purple on the
undersides and dusky olive on the upper surface.
Oxalis polyphylla var. Heptaphylla
開花圖參考及簡介:The leaves of this Oxalis are thread-like and
succulent, with up to 8 leaflets to a stem.The large satiny-lavender
flowers appear in early winter. Zone 8-10.
Oxalis polyphylla var. Heptaphylla
Oxalis polyphylla var. Heptaphylla
Oxalis purpurea Deep Rose
Oxalis purpurea Deep Rose:花。簡介: A glowing deep rose pink shading
to a dark rose ring around the yellow throat. Stunning!因國外網頁呈現
的花色偏紫,以為弄錯品種,看完duty1026家的Deep Rose也是同色才確定
差別取決於色溫,Oxalis purpurea系列,桃紅品種在寒冷地區拍照,感覺偏紫
PS‧目前市場上稱為大花芙蓉酢、芙蓉酢的品種多指Oxalis purpurea系列
尤以Oxalis purpurea Pink(桃粉花芙蓉酢)跟Oxalis purpurea alba(白花芙蓉酢)最常見
另有其他淡黃、淡粉、紫紅、白底紫紋、覆色系的Oxalis purpurea品種 不過沒上面那兩種流通
此外這類酢醬草可用主莖側苗作阡插 不一定要用球根繁殖 阡插苗也會長球根