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发表于 2008-7-27 16:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-27 16:31 | 显示全部楼层

编号 common name(名称)   flowers colour(花色)   plants height(株高)   flowers size(花型)flowering months(花期) introduce(介绍)
C10Clematis Viticella Group 'Purpurea Plena Elegans'深紫色-红色3-4m7-9A charming, moderately fast growing cultivar. In summer the plant covers with a mass of double, deep purple-red flowers. Thrives best in full sun. Ideal for growing over fences, pergolas, arbors, walls and small trees.
Particularly useful for covering tall fences and unsightly buildings, or as ground cover.
C11Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Vyvyan Pennell'紫罗兰-蓝色2-3m5-6,8月Described by its raisers as the best double clematis yet produced. Moderately fast growing cultivar with large, fully double, deep violet-blue flowers flushed with purple and carmine in center, borne on previous year’s wood in May-June. In August single, lavender-blue flowers produced on new growth. Thrives best in sunny positions.
Excellent for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports.
C12Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Moonlight' ('Yellow Queen')亮黄色2m5-7Large cream flowers, tinged with greenish-yellow, borne during May-July. Pale yellow anthers. It doesn’t like extremely hot, sunny areas, plant in a partly shaded position for the best flower color.
A delicate, moderately fast growing variety, excellent for trellises, poles and other garden supports. It can clamber over natural supports e.g. deciduous and coniferous bushes and dwarf shrubs.
C13Clematis Viticella Group 'Tango'红色白斑纹2-3m6-9An intriguing cultivar with bicolour flowers, about 6 cm across. 4 bright red tepals have a white stripe along the midribs, and the red veining clearly marked. Underneath the tepals are pale pink. At the centre there is a prominent eye of claret anthers on green filaments and a deep brown pistil. Flowers are borne from late June – October. It climbs by means of leaf petioles.
It appreciates a sunny sheltered site. Useful for growing up a trellis, a stake, or another garden support. It looks charming when left clambering over natural supports.
C14Clematis Late Large-flowered Group 'Mazury'紫白色2-3m6-9A new Polish cultivar from 2006. Large (15-17 cm in diameter), double flowers on new growth – blue with lighter spots. The outer circle of the tepals is mottled with green. Flowers have a nice, regular structure on opening and seem to be made of crêpe paper. When fully open they reveal creamy stamens. Flowers appear from the end of June to September. It grows up to 2-3 m using twining leaf petioles to attach itself to the supports. Best grown in a sunny position. Particularly useful for growing up trellises, stakes and other supports. It can also be left to climb up natural supports.
C15Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Beauty of Worcester'蓝紫色-黄芯2m5-68-9A lovely cultivar with a moderate growth rate. In May-June blossoms on previous year’s wood bearing double or semi double flowers. During August and September single flowers are produced on new growth. Intense blue-violet sepals with a white bar on the reverse; creamy yellow stamens. Thrives best in full sun.
Excellent for trellises, poles and other garden supports. It can also be grown over natural supports such as coniferous or deciduous bushes and dwarf shrubs. Performs well in containers.
C16Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Belle of Woking'淡紫色2-3m5-8A good variety with pale mauve, double flowers borne on previous year’s wood from late May to July. During summer single flowers are borne on new growth.
Grows and flowers best in sunny positions.
C17Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Countess of Lovelace'蓝色-淡紫色-粉渐变2-3m5-6,9月Large (16 up to 20 cm in diameter) blue-mauve-pink flowers, sometimes shaded with blue. Flowers are double in May-June (on old wood) and single in September (on new wood). Mauve pointed tepals surround the central tuft of yellow anthers on white filaments. A robust grower that attaches itself to supports with twining leaf petioles. It thrives best in a sunny spot. Useful for growing on trellises, stakes and other supports. It can climb up natural supports.
C18Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Duchess of Edinburgh'白色2-3m5,7-8月
moderately fast growing cultivar. Large, double, rosette-like, white with green shading flowers, borne on previous year’s wood in May-June. During summer single flowers are produced on new growth. It thrives best in full sun.
Excellent for walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. Its effect is quite spectacular when grown against a dark background.
Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Hakuookan'紫罗兰色-白芯2-3m5,6-8月A remarkable Japanese variety. Large, deep violet-purple flowers with a conspicuous center of creamy-white, exceptionally long stamens. Blooming period in May-June, and again in August. A compact cultivar, perfect for a container.
C20Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Proteus'淡紫粉红渐变2-2.5m5-8A moderately fast growing cultivar with double deep mauve-pink flowers on previous year’s wood. During summer single flowers are borne on new growth. It thrives best in full sun.
Excellent for walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles.
C21Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Veronica's Choice'紫罗兰白色渐变2-3m6-7,8月Large, very pale mauve, almost white double flowers borne on old wood in early summer – June and July; in August single flowers appear on new wood.
Ideal for a sunny position.
C22Clematis florida var. flore-pleno白色1.5-2m6-9
unique species with very original flowers: double, rosette like, creamy-white-green turning into greenish white in autumn. Blossoms only on the new wood, from June to September. As not fully hardy, it’s best grown in a wind sheltered position e.g. on a wall facing south. Thrives best in moist well drained soil. Good protection in winter is required.
Best suited for cultivation in containers that are transferred in winter to a cold room with the temperature between 0oC and 5oC.
C23Clematis florida var. sieboldiana ('Sieboldii')白色1.5-2m6-9An elegant species with very original flowers: creamy white with a central tuft of dark purple black stamens. In autumn all flowers turn green. Blossoms only on the new wood form June to September. As not fully hardy, it’s best grown in a wind sheltered position e.g. on a wall facing south. Thrives best in moist well drained soil. It also requires good protection in winter.
Best suited for cultivation in containers that are transferred in winter to a cold room with the temperature between 0oC and 5oC.
C24Clematis 'Lambton Park'深黄色4-5m6-10The best form of tangutica. A healthy variety, free-flowering and easy to grow. Huge long bright yellow flowers followed by silky seed heads. Requires a sunny position but tolerates mediocre, drying soils.
An excellent covering plant for growing over fences, walls, arbors and other supports. Makes good ground cover.
C25Clematis Early Large-flowered Group 'Asao'粉红-红色渐变2-3m5-9A moderately fast growing Japanese cultivar with large bicolor flowers: deep pink with a white central bar and yellow anthers, from May to September. It doesn’t like extremely hot, sunny areas.
Excellent for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and stakes. It can also be grown over natural supports such as coniferous or deciduous bushes and dwarf shrubs.
C26Clematis Viticella Group 'Minuet'红白色2-3m6-9A hardy, undemanding cultivar with remarkable bicolor flowers: creamy-white, with a broad band of purple terminating each tepal. Green stamens.
Suitable for growing over fences, pergolas, arbors and various garden supports. It can clamber over natural supports such as small trees and shrubs. Excellent for cultivation in large containers on terraces and balconies.
It looks particularly effective when grown through plants with pale foliage. Recommended to both amateurs and experienced gardeners. Makes good ground cover.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-27 16:33 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-27 16:42 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-7-27 16:53 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-7-27 17:25 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-7-27 17:38 | 显示全部楼层
:s002 忍不住了,想团.就是1-2年苗怕活不了.:s101


发表于 2008-7-27 18:07 | 显示全部楼层
10 13 26都是耐热品种


发表于 2008-7-27 18:20 | 显示全部楼层


[ 本帖最后由 Anatoly 于 2008-7-27 18:22 编辑 ]


发表于 2008-7-27 18:33 | 显示全部楼层
16世纪就已经被种植在花园的传统品种,完全重瓣的花在整个夏季都盛开不断。10号小铁的远祖是Clematis viticella。这是一种产在地中海气候区的铁线莲,小花型,耐热性和耐寒性都相当良好,由它杂交出来的这一品系称为意大利铁线莲,它们都继承了它们远祖的优点,就是对炎热和寒冷都有良好的耐受性。大家熟悉的“紫云”就是这一品系的代表。管理方法同一般铁线莲,冬季将枝条剪短,来年春天在新发的枝条上着花。
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