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发表于 2008-11-21 14:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Pierre de Ronsard, voted the world's favorite rose

During the 14th World Rose Convention held in May 2006 in Osaka, Japan, Pierre de Ronsard ® Var. Meiviolin (also known as Eden Rose ® / Eden Climber ™) has been voted the World's Favorite Rose by the World Federation of Rose Societies (www.worldrose.org)

2006年5月,在日本大阪举行的第14届世界玫瑰大会中,Pierre de Ronsard   Var. Meiviolin (也称为 Eden Rose (伊甸园玫瑰)   / Eden Climber (伊甸园爬藤) ), 被世界玫瑰组织协会(World Federation of Rose Societies (www.worldrose.org) )选为世界知名玫瑰

This very special award is given at each World Convention to one variety chosen by popular vote of the national rose societies in 37 countries, members of the World Federation of Rose Societies (more than 100.000 members).

Since its creation in 1976, the following varieties have received this famous award :
自从1976该奖项设置以来, 下面这些品种获得此殊荣

Peace 和平/ Mme A. Meilland / Gloria dei / Gioia en 1976 (breeder Meilland)
Queen Elizabeth伊丽莎白女王 in 1979 (breeder Lammerts)
Fragrant Cloud香云 in 1981 (breeder Tantau)
Iceberg冰山 in 1983 (breeder Kordes)
Double Delight红双喜 in 1985 (breeder Swim & Ellis)
Papa Meilland 梅朗爸爸® Var. Meicesar en 1988 (breeder Meilland)
Pascali 百斯开利in 1991 (breeder Lens)
Just Joey巧合 in 1994 (breeder Cants)
New Dawn in 1997 (breeder Van Fleet)
Ingrid Bergman英格丽褒曼 in 2000 (breeder Poulsen)
Bonica ® 82 Var. Meidomonac in 2003 (breeder Meilland)

With Pierre de Ronsard   in 2006, Meilland is the breeder with the highest number of awards from the World Federation of Rose Societies, after Peace, Papa Meilland ® and Bonica ® 82.

在2006年,龙沙宝石是Meilland公司继和平、梅朗爸爸, Bonica 82之后在世界月季联合会获得奖项最多的月季品种

After being released in 1986, Pierre de Ronsard ® became very quickly extremely popular, a must-have for every garden.


With its old-fashioned shape and its delicate light pink color shaded with carmine pink, this climbing and shrub rose-tree already charmed several millions of amateurs worldwide.


Pierre de Ronsard, the rose whose every petal...

pierre de Ronsard is well-named. It is a rose that really warms the heart ; whose every petal is a sonnet, whose every nuance evokes tenderness of the soul, that of the french poet Pierre de Ronsard. Eden Rose ® / Eden Climber ™ are the English or American names for Pierre de Ronsard. It is a climbing rose, like those that surround the Madonna in the clouds in ancient paintings, in very pale pink with a hundred petals, in tight, dense spheres, that bloom in quarters in the old style, finely hemmed with bright pink to underline the hint of green on the other side, and the pale green tint of the small, round buds. To describe the emotion given by columns of tumbling roses, that follow the sugary, mauve panicles of the Paulownias alongside the Orangery of the Luxembourg Gardens (Paris) in June, is to describe the splendour of several roses resting in the fresh shade of a summer afternoon, when the air shimmering with heat seems to lie dormant; is later to contemplate daybreak with its pink fingers and lace one's days with poetry.

Anne-Sophie Rondeau (The Grand Rose Family)

You may share your emotions about "Pierre de Ronsard" by sending us a text or a poem inspired by the beauty of this rose-tree to the following e-mail address: meilland@meilland.com.

They will be put on line on this web site.

Pierre de Ronsard, the description

Varietal denomination : Meiviolin
Trademark : Pierre de Ronsard ® / Eden Rose ® / Eden Climber ™
Year of Edition : 1986
Editor : Meilland
Breeder : Meilland
Class : Climbing / Shrub

Shape : Rounded
Size : Medium
Colour: Light cream shaded with carmine pink

Shape : Cup-shaped
Colour : Light cream more or less shaded with carmine pink
Number of petals : 70 on average
Size : Large
Diameter: 10 cm on average
Perfume : Light

Growth : Strong
Habit : Climbing
Inflorescence : Pauciflorous
Foliage : Medium green, semi-matt, large and thick
Flowering : Very abundant
Height : 2 to 3 m and more

An extremely charming climbing or shrub rose-tree with old-fashioned blooms of a light cream more or less shaded with carmine pink colouring. The plant is hardy and very repeats flowering during the summer. Pierre de ronsard ® Var. Meiviolin may also be grown as a shrub, then you just need to prune it every year.

Pierre de Ronsard, the true story

at the beginning of the 80's, we had in our selection fields a beautiful climbing rose-tree under the code name of "Ingres" with a delicate nacre white colour and light pink tones, but the shape of its blooms was causing some trouble compared to our other varieties just because the new standard of Romantica ® roses or "English Roses" was not yet born. "Ingres" was too much in advance on these "old fashioned roses" which are so popular today in our rose world. Our German agent, Klaus Strobel invited to a visit of our rose fields in June 1983 a famous german nurseryman Mr. Horstmann who was at that time the owner of an important mail-order company in Germany. Being aware of a new mainstream evolution by rose amateurs looking for the charm of old fashioned rose varieties Mr. Horstmann stopped in front of "Ingres" and declared this new variety was so different from all the varieties on the market that is had to be commercialized as soon as possible.

At the same time, the city of Paris decided they would pay a tribute to Pierre de Ronsard, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of his death in 1985. One of our friends at the Parks Department, Christine Jossien, suggested that Meilland should name a rose Pierre de Ronsard for this special celebration.

It was then suddenly clear in our mind that this new variety with such a charming shape and so delicate colour was the rose to be named after Pierre de Ronsard. This rose is one of the last creations of Manou Meilland who passed away in 1987, it has been identified in our fields by Jacques Mouchotte, and commercially selected by our german partners and finally put on the market with a name suggested by a former employee of the company. This is quite typical of the way we are working in the House of Meilland, in synergy with various influences from inside and outside and in close cooperation with specialists from different countries.

If the name Pierre de Ronsard ® was full of meaning in France, this was not the case in foreign countries and there again, Klaus Strobel helped us by proposing the name Eden Rose ® / Eden Climber ™ as the exceptional beauty of this rose was for him "a certain idea of paradise".

Pierre de Ronsard ® is in fact the very first rose of the Romantica ® line created by Meilland gathering new varieties with the charm of old roses but qualities of modern ones.

20 years later, more than 3 millions of Pierre de Ronsard ® have been planted in amateur or city rose gardens all over the world. Year after year, this variety is always in the top ten sellers, which is quite excellent for a climber / shrub. The new trend is now to grow Pierre de Ronsard ® as a cut rose for florists. Due to the climate of countries like Ecuador, it is today possible to have all year round Pierre de Ronsard ® blooms in the high quality florist shops , for amateurs, to make luxurious flower arrangements, and for professionals through Maxi-Fleurs (France and Europe, tel +33.(0), Fax +33.(0) maxi-fleurs@wanadoo.fr, for the rest of the world through Gallica in Ecuador (gallica@uio.satnet.net). To know where to get a Pierre de Ronsard ® plant anywhere in the world : www.helpmefind.com.

Pierre de Ronsard, Prince of poets

pierre de Ronsard (1524 - 1585), French poet and prince of poets (as his own generation in France called him) was born at the Château de la Possonnière in the Province of Vendômois (Department of Loir et Cher) on the 11th of September 1524. Pierre was the youngest son of the family. He was appointed page first to the kings eldest son François, then to his brother, the Duke of Orleans. When Madeleine de France was married to James V of Scotland, Ronsard was attached to the Kings service and spent three years in Great Britain.

On returning to France in 1540 he was again into the service of the Duke of Orleans. His apparently promising diplomatic career was cut short back by an attack of deafness and he devoted himself to study. He then founded with 6 other writers a literary movement, the Pliade. Named poet royal by Charles IX, he wrote a great number of poems on many themes, especially patriotism, love, and death. Ronsard's most ambitious effort was La Franciade (1572), an unfinished epic. He also wrote (1562) two long patriotic poems deploring the Wars of Religion. Besides the Odes, his most famous poems were certainly the Sonnets pour Hélène where the veteran poet demonstrates his power to revivify the stylized patterns of courtly love poetry.

At the end of his life Pierre de Ronsard was staying at the priory of Saint-Cosme at Tours, and he was buried there on Friday, December 24, 1585. (www.jardinsentouraine.com)

Today, Ronsards poetry belongs to our collective memory and verses like "See, Mignonne, hath not the Rose"... still sound very familiar to our ears and bring us back to school.

The Rose

See, Mignonne, hath not the Rose,
That this morning did unclose
Her purple mantle to the light,
Lost, before the day be dead,
The glory of her raiment red,
Her colour, bright as yours is bright?

Ah, Mignonne, in how few hours,
The petals of her purple flowers
All have faded, fallen, died;
Sad Nature, mother ruinous,
That seest thy fair child perish thus
'Twixt matin song and even tide.

Hear me, my darling, speaking sooth,
Gather the fleet flower of your youth,
Take ye your pleasure at the best;
Be merry ere your beauty flit,
For length of days will tarnish it
Like roses that were loveliest.

Of his lady's old age

When you are very old, at evening
You'll sit and spin beside the fire, and say,
Humming my songs, 'Ah well, ah well-a-day!
When I was young, of me did Ronsard sing.'
None of your maidens that doth hear the thing,
Albeit with her weary task foredone,
But wakens at my name, and calls you one
Blest, to be held in long remembering.

I shall be low beneath the earth, and laid
On sleep, a phantom in the myrtle shade,
While you beside the fire, a grandame grey,
My love, your pride, remember and regret;
Ah, love me, love! we may be happy yet,
And gather roses, while 'tis called to-day.

Lady's tomb

As in the gardens, all through May, the rose,
Lovely, and young, and fair apparelled
, Makes sunrise jealous of her rosy red,
When dawn upon the dew of dawning glows;
Graces and Loves within her breast repose,
The woods are faint with the sweet odour shed,
Till rains and heavy suns have smitten dead
The languid flower, and the loose leaves unclose,

So this, the perfect beauty of our days,
When earth and heaven were vocal of her praise,
The fates have slain, and her sweet soul reposes;
And tears I bring, and sighs, and on her tomb
Pour milk, and scatter buds of many a bloom,
That dead, as living, she may be with roses.



发表于 2008-11-21 14:57 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-11-21 15:00 | 显示全部楼层
看不懂~~:s34 :s34


发表于 2008-11-21 15:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-11-21 15:07 | 显示全部楼层


Since its creation in 1976, the following varieties have received this famous award :

自从1976该奖项设置以来, 下面这些品种获得此殊荣(应该这样翻译):lol

Peace / Mme A. Meilland / Gloria dei / Gioia en 1976 (breeder Meilland)
Queen Elizabeth in 1979 (breeder Lammerts)
Fragrant Cloud in 1981 (breeder Tantau)
Iceberg in 1983 (breeder Kordes)
Double Delight in 1985 (breeder Swim & Ellis)
Papa Meilland ® Var. Meicesar en 1988 (breeder Meilland)
Pascali in 1991 (breeder Lens)
Just Joey in 1994 (breeder Cants)
New Dawn in 1997 (breeder Van Fleet)
Ingrid Bergman in 2000 (breeder Poulsen)
Bonica ® 82 Var. Meidomonac in 2003 (breeder Meilland)





 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 15:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小红尾金 于 2008-11-21 15:07 发表
Since its creation in 1976, the following varieties have received this famous award :

自从1976该奖项设置以来, 下面这些品种获得此殊荣(应该这样翻译):lol" />" />

Peace / Mme A. Meilland / Gloria dei / G ...



发表于 2008-11-21 15:25 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-11-21 15:41 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-11-21 15:43 | 显示全部楼层

New Dawn in 1997 (breeder Van Fleet)
Bonica ® 82 Var. Meidomonac in 2003 (breeder Meilland

[ 本帖最后由 abel 于 2008-11-21 15:46 编辑 ]





发表于 2008-11-21 16:54 | 显示全部楼层
当之无愧!:victory: :victory:
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