The name was taken from William Shakespeare's romantic, idyllic description of England in Richard II: 这个名字是从莎士比亚的爱情,英国田园诗描述 , 理查德二世:
This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle... 这国王王位,这scepter'd小岛...
This happy breed of men, this little world, 这个男人幸福的品种,这个小世界,
This precious stone set in the silver sea... 这宝石的银海集...
Scepter'd岛是一个相当上升,柔软的粉红色的圣杯状花朵 , 公开透露金雄蕊的影子。
The blooms have a powerful fragrance - an outstanding example of the classic English Rose scent based on the myrrh note first introduced with C**tance Spry. 在华有一个强大的香水-一个典型的英国玫瑰香味突出的例子没药的基础上首先注意到康斯坦茨斯普赖介绍。 Scepter'd Isle won the Henry Edland award for fragrance from the UK's Royal National Rose Society. Scepter'd岛赢得了由英国皇家学会全国玫瑰香亨利Edland奖。
This beautiful shrub rose has a bushy, upright habit, holding the flowers well above the foliage. 这个美丽的玫瑰灌木有浓密的,正直的习惯,远高于举行树叶的花朵。 It flowers freely and almost continuously throughout the summer. 它的花期和自由几乎持续整个夏天。
1996 Sceptre'd Isle 权杖之岛 |