奥斯汀月季中的藤本月季 Roses suitable as Climbers



本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 15:35 编辑

奥斯汀月季中的藤本月季 Roses suitable as Climbers(官网推荐)








1.A Shropshire Lad                     什普罗郡少年

2.Abraham Darby                       亚伯拉罕 达比

3.Brother Cadfael                      卡德法尔兄弟

4.Eglantyne                                雅子

5.Gertrude Jekyll                       格特鲁 德杰吉尔

6.Golden Celebration                 黄金庆典

7.Graham Thomas                      格拉汉姆 托马斯

8.Heritage                                  遗产

9.Mayor of Casterbridge            卡斯特尔桥市长

10.Pegasus                                飞马

11.St. Swithun                           圣斯维辛

12.Teasing Georgia                    嬉笑的格鲁吉亚

13.Tess of the d'Urbervilles       苔丝

14.The Pilgrim                           朝圣者

15.William Morris                       威廉 莫里斯









本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 13:40 编辑

A Shropshire Lad 什罗普郡少年



David Austin Recommended         Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种      

Category 类型English Roses 英国玫瑰
(English Rose Collection)
Bred             By 培育者David Austin 大卫奥斯汀
Colour 颜色Peachy Pink 桃粉色
Flower             Type 花型Double/Full Bloom 双瓣/多瓣
Size 株型 Tall Shrub 高大灌木

Short Climber 小藤本

Hardiness 耐寒性Very hardy 十分耐寒
Fragrance 香味Fruity 水果香味

            Strong 强烈

Repeating 开花性Excellent 优秀
Special Characteristics 备注5 x 5ft or 8ft as a climber.  作为藤本大小5 x 5英尺或 8英尺(1.5 x 1.5米或 2.4米)

The flowers are beautiful at all stages. 此花各个阶段都很美丽。

They are cupped at first, opening to form large rosettes, filled with many perfectly arranged petals. 初开为杯型(应该是包菜吧),打开形成很大的玫瑰花型,充满了完美整齐的花瓣。

Their colour is a soft peachy pink.颜色为柔和的桃粉色。

As the blooms open, the outer petals turn back and become a paler shade. 随着花瓣打开,外层花瓣外翻并且成为白边。

There is a delicious fruity fragrance in the Tea Rose tradition. 这是一种带有传统茶香中令人愉悦的果香的玫瑰。

This versatile rose is closely related to Leander, from which it inherits its vigorous, healthy and almost thornless growth. 这种多用途玫瑰和利安德尔十分相似,继承了利安德尔的强健与几乎无刺的特性。

It has plentiful, large, dark green leaves.具有大量、大而深绿的叶子。

In every way, an excellent and reliable shrub, of above average size.在一般情况下是可靠的优秀的灌木,其花径大于平均尺寸。

It will make a wonderful specimen rose.是一个极好的玫瑰样本。

Position this rose toward the back of the border.将此玫瑰置于花园边界的后部。

It may also be grown as a beautiful climbing rose if tied in to some form of support, such as a wall, trellis, fence or pillar.如果加以牵引支撑,如附着于墙、格子、栅栏、支柱,也可以作为美丽的攀爬玫瑰培育。

The name is taken from A.E. Houseman’s cycle of poems about his home county, where our rose gardens and nursery are situated. 她的名字取自A.E. Houseman关于他家乡的诗篇,也是我们的玫瑰花园与育种基地坐落于的郡

The poems, published in 1896, celebrate the pleasures of a rural life.诗篇主要是抒发了乡村生活的乐趣,发表于1896年。

David CH Austin, born in Shropshire, is himself a Shropshire lad.  David CH Austin出生于Shropshire,他自己就是那个什普罗郡少年。



本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 13:38 编辑

Abraham Darby 亚伯拉罕 达比 ®



Category类型EnglishRoses 英国玫瑰
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By 培育者DavidAustin 大卫奥斯汀
Colour 颜色Apricot and yellow, tinted with pink 杏黄 色,粉色晕染
Flower Type 花型
Double/Full  Bloom 双瓣/多瓣
Size 株型TallShrub 高大灌木

Short Climber 小藤本

Hardiness 耐寒性Hardy 耐寒
Fragrance 香味Fruity 水果香味

Strong 强烈

Repeating 开花性Excellent 优秀
Special Characteristics 备注5x 5ft  5 x 5英尺(1.5 x 1.5米)

In early summer, ‘Abraham Darby’ bears large, deeply cupped blooms in shades of pink, apricot and yellow and, in spite of their size, they continue to be produced for the remainder of the season. 亚伯拉罕达比在初夏会孕育出巨大的带有粉色边缘的杏黄 色深杯状的杏黄 色花朵,除了花大以外,她能在整个季节持续开放。

They have a rich, fruity fragrance with a refreshing sharpness. 她具有清新的丰富的果香。

‘Abraham Darby’ is an excellent, vigorous, medium-sized shrub.亚伯拉罕达比是是一个优秀的强健的中型灌木。

It has a bushy, arching habit and large, polished, rather modern leaves; flower, growth and leaf are all in proportion and never clumsy. 浓密的,拱起和大习惯,抛光,而现代的叶子. 她有浓密的,习惯于拱起,光亮的现代玫瑰的叶子;花的生长和叶都在合适比例内,不会失衡。(意思是叶子虽然多但是花也不少吧)

Named to celebrate the inventor Abraham Darby, who, with his son and grandson, played an important part in the industrial revolution.命名为纪念发明家Abraham Darby、他和他的儿子和孙子,在工业革命中举足轻重。



本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 14:03 编辑

Brother Cadfael卡德法尔兄弟



Category 类型English Roses 英国玫瑰
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By 培育者David Austin 大卫奥斯汀
Colour 颜色Deep Pink深粉色
Flower Type 花型Double/Full Bloom双瓣/多瓣
Size 株型 Medium Shrub中等灌木

Hardiness 耐寒性Very hardy十分耐寒
Fragrance 香味Old Rose 老玫瑰香

Strong 强烈

Repeating 开花性Excellent 优秀
Special Characteristics 备注4 ft. x 3 ft. 4 x 4英尺(1.2 x 1.2米)

‘Brother Cadfael’ bears very large, globular, clear pink flowers, reminiscent of peonies. 卡德法尔兄弟会开放非常大球状全粉色的花朵,怀旧的芍药花型。

Despite their size, they are never clumsy and are held nicely upright on the plant.除了花径大外,这个品种也从来不会显得笨拙,并且直立性很好。

There is a particularly strong and rich Old Rose fragrance, similar to some of the Old Bourbon Roses. 和老波旁月季相似,这个品种特别强健具有浓郁的老玫瑰香味。

It forms a fine, bushy, medium-sized shrub; the flowers, leaves and growth all in proportion.她生长为优秀的,浓密的,中型灌木;花叶生长很均衡。

This rose was named after the hero of the Ellis Peters detective stories, which are set in Shropshire where our nursery is located.这个品种命名于 Ellis Peter的侦探小说故事中的英雄,置于 Shropshire的育种基地。



连翘花开 发表于 2016-3-25 13:57





本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-26 15:31 编辑




David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 类型English Roses 英国玫瑰
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By 培育者David Austin 大卫奥斯汀
Colour 颜色Light Pink 浅粉色
Flower Type 花型Double/Full Bloom 双瓣/多瓣
Size 株型 Medium Shrub 中等灌木

Hardiness 耐寒性Very hardy 十分耐寒
Fragrance 香味Old Rose  老玫瑰香

Strong  强烈

Repeating 开花性Excellent 优秀
Special Characteristics 备注3.5 ft x 3 ft. 3.5x3英尺

We regard this as one of the most beautiful of the English Roses. 我们认为这是最美的英国月季之一。

The flowers are quite large and of exquisite formation - the petals turning up at the edges to form a shallow saucer filled with small petals.

The growth is ideal, being of medium height and bushy, with nice foliage and little disease, making it in every way an excellent garden plant.

It is sweetly fragrant - a charming and delicate Old Rose scent.

Named after Eglantyne Jebb, the Shropshire woman who founded the ‘Save the Children’ charity fund.



本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 14:30 编辑

Gertrude Jekyll®



David Austin Recommended  Variety   


CategoryEnglish Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred             ByDavid Austin
ColourDeep Pink
Flower             TypeDouble/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub

Short Climber

HardinessVery hardy
FragranceOld Rose


Special Characteristics4.5 x 3.5 ft or 6-8 ft as a climber.

The flowers of this rose start as perfect little scrolled buds and soon open into the most beautiful, large, rosette-shaped flowers of rich glowing pink.

The growth is upright and vigorous and in every way reliable.

The most outstanding characteristic of this lovely rose is its beautiful and perfectly-balanced Old Rose scent.

This is often described as being the quintessential old rose fragrance.

The foliage and growth are similar to that of a Portland Rose, with the typical Portland widely-spaced leaflets.

It forms a medium sized shrub which is robust and free flowering.

Gertrude Jekyll was a famous garden designer, who has had a profound effect on the style of English gardens of the present day.



本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 14:33 编辑

Golden Celebration黄金庆典  



David Austin Recommended         Variety        

CategoryEnglish Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred             ByDavid Austin
ColourGolden Yellow
Flower             TypeDouble/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub

Short Climber

HardinessVery hardy
FragranceTea & Fruity


Special Characteristics4 x 4ft.

This is one of the largest-flowered and most magnificent of our English Roses.

Its color is rich golden yellow and the flowers are in the form of a giant, full-petalled cup.

It has excellent shapely growth, forming a nicely rounded, slightly arching shrub with ample foliage.

It is very reliable and easy to grow. An ideal rose to mark any celebration or important event.

The flowers are initially Tea-scented but often develop a wonderful combination of sauterne wine and strawberry.



本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 14:38 编辑

Graham Thomas 格拉汉姆托马斯 ®



David Austin Recommended   Variety   

CategoryEnglish Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred             ByDavid Austin
Flower             TypeDouble/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub

Short Climber

HardinessVery hardy


Special Characteristics4 ft. x 4 ft.

The cup shaped flowers are of medium size.

Their colour is an unusually rich, pure yellow that would be hard to match even among modern roses, and is entirely missing from old roses.

There is a medium-strong, fresh tea rose fragrance, with a cool violet character typical of its colour group.

It has attractive, smooth green foliage.

Good repeat-flowering from early summer onwards.

We were delighted when this variety was voted The World’s Favourite Rose by members of the 41 National Rose Societies worldwide.

It also won the James Mason Award from the RNRS in 2000.

Named for one of the most influential gardeners of his time.

Graham Thomas was a frequent visitor to our nursery and chose this rose himself.



本帖最后由 落木~ 于 2016-3-25 14:42 编辑





CategoryEnglish Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred ByDavid Austin
ColourMedium Pink
Flower  TypeDouble/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub

Short Climber

FragranceFruit, honey, carnations


Special Characteristics4 ft. x 4 ft.

Attractive, medium-sized blooms, produced in small sprays.

Their colour is a very soft, clear pink at the centre, while the outer petals are almost white.

There is a beautiful fragrance, with overtones of fruit, honey and carnation on a myrrh background.

‘Heritage’ is a shapely, well-rounded shrub with strong, bushy growth and typical, pointed, greyish-green Hybrid Musk Rose foliage.

It is almost thornless. To encourage repeat flowering, dead head the spent blooms.

If you choose not to dead head, a very good crop of hips will be produced later in the season.
