本帖最后由 梅花坞 于 2012-12-2 18:13 编辑
23x Double Delight (creamy white swirled with strawberry red)
23x Mr. Lincoln (dark red)
15x Fragrant Cloud (coral red)
13x Chrysler Imperial (burgundy red)
13x Gertrude Jekyll (rose pink)
13x Jude the Obscure (honey)
10x Crimson Glory
10x Lemon Spice (patel yellow tinted pale pink)
9x Abraham Darby (Austin, apricot blend)
9x Francis Dubruiel (dark true red)
9x Papa Meilland (dark red)
8x Evelyn (Austin, apricot pink blend)
8x Heirloom (dark mauve blend)
8x Rose de Rescht (vivid fuchsia)
8x Secret (white tipped pink)
8x Sharifa Asma (Austin, pearly pink)
8x Sunsprite (bright yellow)
8x Sweet Chariot (purple blend)
8x Tiffany (pink/yellow blend)
7x Angel Face (1968, dusky mauve)
7x Melody Parfumee (deep plum fading to clear lavender)
7x The McCartney Rose (ruffled, few petals)
7x Yves Piaget (Romantica, hot pink)
6x Granada (yellow, orange, scarlet tricolor)
6x Just Joey (clear apricot) 6x Mirandy
6x Scentimental (white striped with red)
6x Secret Garden Musk Climber
6x Zephirine Drouhin (cerise pink)
5x Blanc Double de Coubert (pure white)
5x Frederic Mistral (Romantica, light cool pink)
5x Heritage (shell pink)
5x Intrigue (rich reddish purple)
5x Madame Isaac Periere (raspberry pink)
5x Memorial Day (lilac pink)
5x Oklahoma (dark red)
5x Reine des Violettes (cerise pink deepening to soft purple)
5x Rouge Royale (Romantica, cherry red)
5x Souvenir de la Malmaison
5x Sutter's Gold
5x Velvet Fragrance
5x William Shakespeare 2000
4x Alec's Red (1970, subdued red)
4x Baronne Prevost (medium pink)
4x Blue Girl a/k/a Blue Moon
4x Elle
4x Full Sail
4x New Zealand (flesh pink)
4x Othello (inc**istent maroon/blue-red color)
4x **ora (Austin, clear apricot)
4x The Prince (Austin, imperial purple)
4x Tipsy Imperial Concubine (pink blend)
4x Yolande D'Aragon (rich rose pink)
3x Bella Roma
3x Buff Beauty (soft apricot yellow)
3x C锟絚ile Brunner
3x Compt de Chambourd (lilac pink)
3x Darlow's Enigma (pure white)
3x Distant Drums (mauve blend)
3x Falstaff (raspberry red)
3x Fragrant Memory a/k/a Jadis
3x Fragrant Plum
3x Golden Zest
3x Jardins de Bagatelle (creamy white edged pale pink)
3x La Reine Victoria (dusty pink)
3x Louise Odier (medium pink)
3x Madame Hardy (snowy white)
3x Perfume Delight
3x Radiance (pink blend)
3x Red Radiance (HT) 3x Royal Highness
3x Scentsational (clear mauve tinted orchid pink)
3x Sheer Bliss
3x Silver Shadows (pale silvery lavender)
3x Sombreuil (creamy white)
3x Sonia Rkyiel (soft coral pink)
3x Veteran's Honor
2x Apothecary Rose
2x Barbara Streisand
2x Belle de Crecy (cool medium pink)
2x Blossomtime
2x Bubble Bath (light pink)
2x Celsiana (light pink)
2x Clothilde Soupert (blush white with soft pink center)
2x Compassion (salmon pink)
2x Dainty Bess
2x Dolly Parton (garish orange red)
2x Dublin (MD)
2x Earth Song (rose pink)
2x Eglantyne (Austin, clear porcelain pink)
2x Eugene de Beauharnais (crimson purple)
2x Felicia 2x Felicite Parmentier (light pink)
2x Fisherman's Friend (violent magenta)
2x Fragrant Hour
2x Halloween (soft orange)
2x Harrison's Yellow (bright yellow)
2x Hot **ale
2x Jaune Desprez (buff apricot)
2x Julia's Rose
2x Konigan von Danemark (pink blend)
2x Lady Hillingdon (egg yolk yellow)
2x Lagerfeld (silvery lavender)
2x Love Potion (florabunda)
2x Lyda Rose
2x Madame Alfred Carrier (blush white)
2x Madame Pierre Oger (soft white tipped lilac pink)
2x Maria Shriver
2x Marie Pavie (ivory white)
2x Midnight Blue
2x Mrs B.R. Cant
2x Neptune
2x Peace
2x Petite de Hollande (medium pink)
2x Pure Perfume
2x Radiant Perfume 2x Rosa foetida
本帖最后由 woaijingzhi 于 2012-1-13 10:29 编辑
2x Sheila's Perfume
2x Shocking Blue
2x Sophy's Perpetual (pink blend)
2x St. Swithun (Austin, soft warm pink blend)
2x Star Of The Nile
2x Sterling Silver
2x Sunday Lemonade
2x Thanksgiving
2x Topaz Jewel (yellow)
Alba maxima (blush white)
Alba Semi Plena (semidouble, pure white)
Alberic Barbier (blush yellow)
Alchemist - can't remember it hasn't bloomed yet!
Alexander Hill Grey
Amazing Grace
Ambridge Rose (Austin, apricot pink blend)
American Beauty (violent magenta)
Anna de Deisbach
AppleJack (clear pink)
Apricot Nectar
Ardoisee de Lyon
Arethusa (pale apricot)
August Renoir (Romantica, bright rose pink)
Auguste Gervais (apricot blend)
Autumn Damask
Autumn Sunset (apricot yellow)
Basye's Blueberry
Beauty Secret
Belinda's Dream
Belle Amour
Belle Isis (soft pink)
Belle sans Flatterie (pink-mauve blend)
Betty Boop
Betty White
Blanchefleur (soft white)
Bloomfield Dainty
Blush Noisette (pink blend)
Boule de Neige (pure white)
Bronze Star
Brother Cadfael
Cardinal Hume (tyrian purple) Carefree Beauty
Careless Love
Celestial (clear pink)
Celine Forestier (yellow & pink blend)
Chapeau de Napoleon (clear pink)
Charles Darwin (Austin, light yellow)
Chic - very light fragrance
Clementina Carbonier (coral blend)
Color Magic
Common Moss (pure pastel pink)
Comtesse de Provence (Romantica, soft coral pink)
Comtesse de Turenne (light pink)
C**tance Spry (Austin, clear pink)
Coquette des Blanches (soft white)
Country Dancer
Cramoisi Superieur (red blend)
Cressida (Austin, buff apricot blend)
Dainty Bess
Deep Secret
Desiree Parmentier
Don Juan Don Juan
Dorcas - light but very pleasing
Duc de Guiche (crimson, mauve & pink blend)
Ducher (crisp linen white)
Duchesse de Brabant (light pink)
Duchesse de Montebello (light pink)
Duchesse de Rohan (rich rose pink)
Dusky Maiden
Erotika - traditional rose
Escapade - super spicy
Etoile de Hollande
Etoile de Lyon (pale golden yellow)
Everest Double Fragrance (light coral pink)
Fair Bianca (white with green button eye)
Fantin Latour
Florence Delattre
French Lace
French Perfume (fruity) French Perfume (pink and yellow bicolor)
Garden **
Gilbert Nabonnand (pale coral pink)
Gloire de Dijon (buff beige tinted dawn pink)
Gold Medal
Golden Celebration
Golden Celebration (rich golden yellow)
Golden Wings
Grace de Monaco - cotton candy rose
Grace English Rose
Graham Thomas
Great Maidens Blush (blush pink)
Griff锟絪 Red
Gr锟絪s an Aachen
Guinee (dark red)
Guy de Maupussant (medium pink)
Hansa (magenta)
Happy Child (bright yellow)
Honorine de Brabant (pink spotted purple)
Invitation - tea
Irish Elegance
Isabel Renaissance
Ivory Fashion
Jacques Cartier (light pink)
Jayne Austin (apricot yellow)
Jean Kenneally
Jennifer - sweet rose
Joan Fontaine - myrrh
Jubilee Celebration
Judy Garland - strong apricot scent
Katherine Zeimet (creamy white tinted pale yellow at the petal base)
Kathleen Harrop
L'Ingenue (creamy white)
La France
La France
La Ville de Bruxelles (clear pink)
Lady Luck
Lavender Lassie (orchid pink) Le Vesuve - pepper
Les Sjulin (coral pink)
Lilian Austin
Little White Pet (pink buds opening white)
Louis Phillippe
Louis XIV (dark red)
Madame de la Roche Lambert (crimson tinted magenta and purple)
Madame Ernst Calvat (light pink)
Madame Joseph Swartz (blush white)
Madame Legras de Saint Germain (soft white with green button eye)
Madame Lombard
Madame Plantier (pale pink bud opening white with green button eye)
Maggie (cherry red)
Marchessa Bocella (Portland/HP)
Marechal Niel (clear yellow)
Margaret Merril (white with blush pink center)
Marie d'Orleans (hot pink)
Marie Daly (light pink)
Mrs. Charles Bell
Mrs. William Paul (clear pink)
Myriam (aka Amazing Grace)
Nastarana - sweet spicy candy
Neige Parfum
New Day (clear yellow) New Day
Norwich Sweetheart
Nuits de Young (rich purple)
Old Bush a/k/a Old Bush China
Outta the Blue
Pat Austin (Austin, coppery orange)
Penny Lane (translucent ivory blushed apricot)
Perfume Beauty
Perle D'Or (clear apricot)
Persian Yellow
Peter Mayle
Pink Gruss an Aachen'
Pink Poodle (pink with white center)
Pink sport of Marie Pavie Prairie Harvest
Prairie Sunrise
President de Seize (pink blend)
Prospero (indefinable, unusual & spicy)
Quartre Seas** (clear pink)
本帖最后由 woaijingzhi 于 2012-1-13 10:30 编辑
Radio Times (Austin, rose pink)
Radox Bouquet (FL, ruffled)
Robert Leopold (salmon pink blend)
Rosa Alba Suaveolens (soft white)
Rosa banksiae banksiae (pure white)
Rosa brunonii (white)
Rosa canina
Rosa foetida persiana (bright buttercup yellow)
Rosa moschata (white)
Rosa rugosa alba (pure white)
Rosa rugosa rubra (rich reddish pink)
Royale Gold (bright yellow)
Royale Sunset (apricot)
Salet (clear pink)
Sarah Van Fleet (clear pink)
**y Rexy
Souvenir du Dr. Jamain (dark red)
St Cecelia
Stephen's Big Purple
Sweet Surrender (light pink)
Sweet Vivien
Sydonie (OGR)
Sympathie (dark red)
The Dark Lady
The Pilgrim
Therese Bugnet (pink blend)
Toulouse Lautrec (Romantica, clear yellow)
Tour de Malakoff (reddish purple)
Tradescant (Austin, rich burgundy red shaded violet black)
Triumphe de Luxembourg (clear pink)
Typhoo Tea (salmon color)
Ulrich Brunner (deep cool pink)
Variegata (white striped with lilac)
Variegata di Bologna (white and purple stripe)
Vineyard Song (mauve blend) Voluptuous
White Lightnin' (snowy white)
William R. Smith (blush pink)
Winter Sunset (medium apricot fading to ivory)