本帖最后由 老咸鱼2 于 2014-12-4 16:15 编辑
其它入围的有:7月4日,天使的面容,老妈,波莱罗舞2004(波列罗舞),德拉·里斯(影视明星),香云,格特鲁杰基尔(园林家), 金色风情,传家宝,阴谋,朱丽叶•纽玛,醉香曲,米兰蒂,海王星,玫兰爸爸,约翰保罗教皇,芳香之源,雷士特玫瑰,说愁,夏莉法阿斯马(夏利法阿诗玛),希拉的香水,太阳仙子,金光大道(萨特的黄金),甜蜜陶醉,甜蜜的臣服,塔莫拉,白甘草,伊芙伯爵(不知道为什么这里还有一次,原文就是这样)。
Most Fragrant Roses
Double Delight may have been knocked out of first place as our favorite rose in our previous surveys but it still placed first in the Most Fragrant category! (Roses listed with "*" were listed by the nominator as also being disease resistant.)1) Double Delight, 2) Firefighter*, 3) Mister Lincoln, Secret, 4) Yves Piaget, Barbra Streisand* and Chrysler Imperial.
Others nominated: 4th Of July, Angel Face, Big Momma, Bolero 2004, Della Reese, Fragrant Cloud, Gertrude Jekyll, Golden Zest, Heirloom, Intrigue, Julie Newmar, Melody Parfumee, Mirandy, Neptune*, Papa Meilland, Pope John Paul, Radiant Perfume, Rose de Rescht, Scentimental , Sharifa Asma*, Sheila's Perfume, Sunsprite, Sutters Gold, Sweet Intoxication, Sweet Surrender, **ora, White Licorice, Yves Piaget