求翻译Port Sunlight
Port Sunlight (Auslofty)
David Austin Recommended Variety Category Potted English Roses
(Potted English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Strong
Repeating Excellent
This rose bears medium sized flowers of rich apricot colouring. They are of flat rosette shape and slightly quartered at the centre; the outer petals falling back a little and becoming paler. They have a rich Tea fragrance. The foliage and young stems are bronzy-red at first, becoming a fairly dark green. The growth is vigorous and rather upright, about 5 ft. in height by 3.5 ft. across, making it ideal for the back of a mixed border where it will compete well with other plants. It is very resistant to disease. All in all, a good, reliable variety.
It is named after the model village in the Wirral built by William Hesketh Lever, where they have a beautiful garden of English Roses.
茶梅开花了 翻译为:欢乐之冬
David Austin公司2019年最新产品宣传图册~
Eyes For You
austin 靓丽的切花
Scepter'd Isle (Ausland)
David Austin Recommended Variety Category English Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Colour Soft Pink
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Myrrh
Repeating Good
Special Characteristics Won the R.N.R.S Henry Edland award for fragrance
This is a charming rose which bears numerous, cupped flowers, with yellow s**ens visible within.
The colour is a soft pink shading to a paler pink on the outer petals.
Its growth is rather upright, with its flowers held above the foliage. It flowers freely and continuously.
There is a powerful fragrance - an outstanding example of the English Rose fragrance, based on the myrrh note introduced with ‘C**tance Spry’.
Winner of the R.N.R.S. Henry Edland Award for fragrance.
3 x 2.5 ft.
Pat Austin (Ausmum)
David Austin Recommended Variety Category Potted English Roses
(Potted English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Colour Copper
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub
Short Climber
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Tea-scented with a warm sensuous background.
Repeating Good
Special Characteristics Outstanding colour
Named after David Austin’s wife, this is an entirely new colour break in English Roses; a bright copper on the inside of the petals, with pale copper-yellow on the outer sides, a similar effect to ‘Austrian Copper’ (R. foetida bicolor).
The flowers are large and deeply cupped, so that we get contrasting colours between the two sides of the petals, giving a most attractive effect. The growth is strong and of a similar type to Golden Celebration and Abraham Darby.
Tea-scented with a warm, sensuous background.
5 ft x 3.5 ft
Summer Song (Austango) Category Potted English Roses
(Potted English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Hardiness Very hardy
Fragrance Strong
Repeating Excellent
This is a rose of beautiful and unusual colouring that is hard to describe – burnt orange would be one possibility. As such, Summer Song is a valuable addition to our collection, since it is so useful for mingling with other shades such as apricot and yellow.
The flower starts as a rounded bud that gradually opens to a full cup, with many inner petals arranged rather informally within a perfect ring of outer petals.
It has a lovely strong, mixed scent, which our fragrance expert tells us is ‘like a florist’s shop, with hints of chrysanthemum leaves, ripe bananas and tea’.
It forms a bushy, upright shrub that can be pruned to grow tall or short, according to your requirements.
4 ft. x 3 ft.
The Alnwick® Rose (Ausgrab)
David Austin Recommended Variety Category Potted English Roses
(Potted English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Medium
Repeating Excellent
Pretty rich pink, cup shaped buds gradually open to a deeply cupped flower; later developing into a broad, full-petalled, shallow cup of a soft pink which is paler at the outer edges - a most pleasing progression.
The flowers are beautiful at all stages; this illustrates very well the great variety of form to be found in the Old Rose style.
'The Alnwick Rose' has nice rounded, bushy growth and produces its bloom intermittently from early summer to the **et of frost. Plentiful green foliage ideally complements the flower.
There is a good Old Rose fragrance with just a hint of raspberry.
We are pleased to name this rose after the superb Alnwick Garden. The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland are c**tructing what we believe will be one of the great gardens of Britain, which will include many English Roses.
Port Sunlight 阳光港 位于利物浦,建于1888年的一个古老港口。
The Alnwick® Rose 就是阿尼克
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