Urban Farming自家农场——养鸡不一定需要很大地方,看似繁重的工作,可以让十几岁的孩子完成(赞成!给那些为应试而忙的中学生找点更有意义的课外活动吧!) Raising chickens is no longer for the rural farmer. Hobbyfarming within the boundaries of a residential lot is all the craze, makingyour morning omelet taste so much better with fresh eggs from the backyard.Most chicken coops take up less room than a toolshed, and although raisingchickens may seem overwhelming, daily tasks are easy enough for teens tocomplete.
Succulent Obsession低投入,高回报的多肉(石头缝隙里种着多好看) Succulents have been all the rage for a few years now,using them for tabletop containers, vertical gardens, or drought-tolerantcontainers. Take it a step further by incorporating creeping succulents intoyour garden. Plant them along and within stone steps, stone retaining walls, orcarve out little pockets within a patio for succulents that can take heavytraffic. Wherever you plant them, know the maintenance is minimal and thereturn is high. Horizontal Appeal矮树,可美化空间,方便打理 Traditionally espalier was exclusive to fruit trees, butnow a variety of trees are being trained to branch horizontally, offering newdesign possibilities, particularly in small spaces. Plant crabapples inchesfrom an exterior wall to soften a space and add spring color. Positionespaliered trees on the patio or deck to create a living privacy screen. Or goold-style and grow apple trees horizontally for easy access to the fruit. Reuse and Abuse废旧物再利用。坏掉的喷泉装饰,填上土,种上合适的植物,就是漂亮的花器。(大爱这个多肉喷泉~~) Repurposing materials in the garden is a great way to addbudget-friendly accents to a cottage landscape. Think beyond a container'sinitial purpose and see what it can be used for. If a water fountain no longerretains water, fill it with soil for a cascading display of succulents, sedums,and other plants. Other materials to c**ider: galvanized containers,wheelbarrows, wire or metal containers, wicker baskets, and toolboxes.