ALBA PLENA Medium, white, formal double, early
ALPEN GLO (h) Small, pale pink edged darker, single, slender branches, mid
ALICE WOOD Large, bright red, formal double, vigorous, early to mid
AREJISHI Medium, dark salmon rose, peony form, early
ASPASIA MACARTHUR Medium, creamy white, informal double to peony form, mid
AUSTRALIS Medium, brilliant rose red, open peony , golden stamens, mid
BABY BEAR (h) Miniature, pale pink, dense dwarf, slow growing, single, late
BABY SIS Miniature to small, white with pink stripe, single anemone, early - mid
BALLET DANCER Medium, creamy white edged coral pink, peony, mid
BENTEN (Benten-Tsubaki) Small, rose pink. single, variegated lean margins, mid - late
BETTY RIDLEY (h) Medium, pink tinted tyrian rose, formal double, early - mid
BETTY RIDLEY VARIEGATED (h) as above only splotched with white
BETTY SHEFFIELD SUPREME Large, pure white richly bordered pink/rose red, loose informal double, mid
BIENVILLE Medium, pure white, formal double (80-90 petals), mid
BLACK OPAL (h) Small, black-red, gold tipped red stamens, semi double, slow grower, late
BLACK TIE Medium, dark red, formal double, mid
BLOOD OF CHINA Large, salmon red, loose peony, mid - late
BLUSHING BEAUTY Medium, white to blush pink outer petals, formal double,mid
BOB HOPE Large, dark red, semi double, mid
BRUSHFIELDS YELLOW Medium, antique white to primrose, anemone, mid
BUTTONS 'N BOWS (h) Small/medium, delicate pink shading darker, formal double, early - mid, compact
CAN CAN Medium, silvery pink, ruffled petals, peony, mid
CARA MIA Medium to large, blush pink shading to darker centre, semi double, early - late
CAROLYN TUTTLE Medium to large, dark mauve pink, peony, early to late, bushy & upright
CARTERS SUNBURST Large, pale pink striped darker, semi double, early - late
CARTERS SUNBURST PINK Large, pale pink, semi double, early - late
CARTERS SUNBURST PINK VARIEGATED Large to very large, pale pink splotched with white, semi double, early - late
CHARITY Large, rose red, peony, early
CHINA DOLL Large, coral pink edged blush white petals, peony form, mid
CHO CHO SAN Medium, light pink, concave semi double, mid
CINNAMON CINDY Miniature to small, white/rose pink, peony, early - late, fragrant
C.M.HOVEY Medium, crimson scarlet, formal double, late
C.M.WILSON Large, powder pink, incomplete double, mid
COMMANDER MULROY Medium, blush white, formal double, compact slow grower
CONSTANCE Medium, deep pink, semi double, early
CORNISH SNOW (h) Small, white with occasional pink flush, single, mid - late, profuse flowerer
COURTESAN Medium, pale pink bell shaped blooms striped red, semi double, mid - late
DAITAIRIN (Dewatairin) Large, clear rose pink with massed white petaloids, single ÒHigoÓ, mid
DAHLONEGA Small/medium, deep cream, formal double, upright, open, slow growing, mid
DEBBIE (h) Large, cyclamen pink, semi double to peony to full anemone, upright, mid
DEBUTANTE Medium, light pink, peony, early - mid
DESIRE Medium, pale pink edged darker, formal double, early - mid
DIXIE KNIGHT Large, brilliant deep red, semi double, mid
DIXIE KNIGHT SUPREME Large, brilliant deep red with irregular white waxy patterns, semi double, mid
DONATION Large, light orchid pink, single/semi double, mid
DONA HERZILIA DE F.M. Medium, red/purple, upright, anemone, early - mid, flowers purple in clay/shale soi
DRAMA GIRL Very large, deep salmon rose, semi double, mid - late
DR BURNSIDE Large, blood red, semi double/peony, mid
DR KING Large, cherry red, semi double, early, robust & upright grower
DR TINSLEY Medium, soft pink, semi double, mid
EASTER MORN Very large, palest peach pink, semi double/peony, mid - late
ECCLEFIELD Very large, waved white petals, loose informal to semi double, mid
ED COMBATALADE Medium, bright red, formal double, mid to late, bushy & compact
EDITH LINTON Medium, deep salmon to silvery rose pink, semi double, early - late
E.G.WATERHOUSE Medium, fuchsia pink, formal double, mid - late
ELEGANS Large, deep rose pink blotched white, anemone, early - mid, slow open grower
ELEGANS CHAMPAGNE Large, white with cream central petaloids, anemone, early - mid
ELEGANS SPLENDOUR Large, soft pink edged white, petal edges serrated, anemone, early - mid
ELEGANS SUPREME Large, deep rose pink, anemone, mid - late
EMMETT PFINGSTL Medium to large, dark red & white variegated, irregular semi double/loose peony, early - mid
EMPEROR OF RUSSIA Large, brilliant red, peony, mid
EMPEROR OF RUSSIA VARIEGATED Large, brilliant red marbled white, peony, mid
ERIN FARMER Large, pink & white, semi double, mid - late
FAIRY WAND (h) Miniature, deep rose pink, semi double, mid, upright
FASHIONATA Large, apricot pink, semi double, mid
FIMBRIATA Medium, white fringed petals, formal double, early
FRAGRANT PINK (h) Miniature, deep pink, fragrant, peony, early to mid
FRANCIS BUTLER Medium, deep coral rose, tulip shaped, semi double, mid
FREEDOM BELL (h) Small/medium, bright coral rose, semi double (hose in hose form) early - mid
GARDENIA Medium, white, slow bushy growth, formal double, mid - late
GAY BABY (h) Miniature, deep orchid pink, profuse flowerer, semi double, mid
GEORGIA ROUSE Large, vivid medium pink. full peony, early - mid
GOVERNOR EARL WARREN Medium to large, rose pink, rose form double to loose peony, mid
GRACE ALBRITTON Small, light pink with darker edge, formal double. upright growth, mid to late
GRAND PRIX Large, brilliant red, semi double, mid
GRAND SLAM Large, glowing red, semi double with golden stamens to anemone with red petaloids, mid
GRAND SLAM VARIEGATED As above except dark red petals splotched white
GREAT EASTERN Medium, crimson, semi double, early to late
GUEST OF HONOUR Very large, rosy salmon pink, semi double to peony, mid
GUILIO NUCCIO Large, rich coral rose, semi double with golden stamens, early to mid
GWENNETH MOREY Medium, white with cream primrose yellow petaloids, anemone form, mid
HANAFUKI Large, soft pink, cup shaped, semi double, mid
HAPPY HOLIDAYS Large, delicate light pink, formal double, early
HAWAII Large, pale pink, fringed petals, full peony, mid
HELEN CALCUTT Large, white with pink & carmine stripes, single to semi double, white stamens, mid
HELENOR Medium, pale pink flecked & striped a darker tone, informal double-peony, mid
HIGH JINKS Medium to large, white to pink background striped darker pink, rose to formal double, mid
HIKARUGENJI Medium, dark pink bordered white & streaked scarlet, fragrant, semi double, mid
ISARIBI (h) Miniture, rose form to semi double, upright, dense, rapid, mid
JAMIE Medium, dark red with golden stamens, semi double, mid, slow and compact
JANET WATERHOUSE Large, pure white, semi double opening to show golden stamens, mid to late
JEAN CLERE Medium, coral pink to red with white picotee border, informal double, mid
JEAN LYNE Medium, white with carmine stripes, semi double, mid
JESSIE BURGESS Very large, rose pink with silver overcast, semi double, early
JINGLE BELLS Small, red, anemone with mass of same coloured red petaloids, early to mid, upright
JULIA FRANCE Large, light pink, semi double with fluted petals, early - mid
JUST SUE Medium, cyclamen pink edged bright rose, peony, mid
KAMO-HONAMI Large, pure white, cup shaped single, early to late
KEWPIE DOLL (h) Miniature, light pink, anemone, mid
KINGYO TSUBAKI Small, strawberry pink, single, scented, distinctive fishtail leaves, slow grower, mid - late
KRAMERS SUPREME Large to very large, bright red, fragrant, peony, mid
KITTY Small, white with pink borders, formal double, bushy growth, late
KUMASAKA Medium, deep rose pink, rose form double to peony, mid to late (recorded back to 1695)
KURO-TSUBAKI Small, black red, cup shaped semi double with gold tipped red stamens (recorded 1829)
LADY CLARE (Akashigata) Large, carmine rose, semi double with crepe-like textured petals, early
LADY LOCH Large, pale rose pink edged white, informal double, mid to late
LAURA WALKER Large, bright rose red, semi double to anemone, early to mid
LAURIE BRAY Medium to large, delicious pink, semi double, early to mid
LEN BRAY (h) Large, reddish pink with deeper toned veins, formal double, mid to late, large oval leaves
LIPSTICK Miniature to small, red with mass of red tipped white petaloids, anemone, mid
LITTLE MAN Small, white shading light pink, formal double, mid to late
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Small, bright crimson, formal double, very upright
LITTLE SLAM Small, rich red, peony, early to mid
LOLLYPOP (h) Small, pale pink with pale burgundy striped markings, informal double with petaloids, mid
LOVELIGHT Large, pure white, semi double with creped petals, gold tipped ivory stamens, mid
MAGNOLIAFLORA (Hagoromo) Medium. blush pink, semi double hose in hose, mid to late
MANDY (h) Miniature, soft pink, semi double, weeping, fragrant, mid to late
MANSIZE Small, pure white, anemone form, mid
MARGARET DAVIS Medium, white edged rose red to vermilion, peony, early to mid
MARGARETE HERTRICH Medium, pure white, formal double with 50-70 petals, mid
MARGARET WATERHOUSE (h) Medium, amaranth rose, semi double, mid
MARIANN Medium/large, red, anemone to peony form, early to mid, lightly scented
MARIE MACKALL Large, light pink darker at the edges, rose form double to semi double, mid, fragrant
MARIE RAVEN Large, soft pastel pink, incomplete double with very prominent cluster of petaloids, early
MARK ALAN VARIEGATED Large, wine red marbled white, semi double with massed petaloids, early to mid
MAROON AND GOLD Small/medium, deep maroon, with gold tipped deep pink stamens, loose peony, mid
MARTHA TUCK Large, pure white, semi double with fluted petals and gold tipped ivory stamens, early
MARY PHOEBE TAYLOR (h) Very large, medium pink, peony, mid season
MASQUERADE Large, white striped pink - variable, semi double, mid to late
MIDNIGHT Medium, black red, semi double, slow grower, mid
MOSHIO Medium, brilliant red, hose in hose form semi double, mid to late
MRS ANNE MARIE HOVEY Medium, white striped crimson to deep rose pink blotched white, formal double, early - mid
MRS D.W.DAVIS Large, blush pink, semi double, mid
MRS D.W.DAVIS DESCANSO Large, blush pink, peony with lightly fringed petals, mid
MRS H.BOYCE Large, pale pink shading to white edges, formal double, mid to late
NANCY BIRD Medium to large, pale rose pink splashed carmine -variable white border, semi double, mid
NICKY CRISP (h) Large, cool pink with deeply notched petals, gold tipped stamens, semi double, early to late
NIGHT RIDER (h) Small, black red, semi double, red stamens tipped yellow,, purple red new growth, mid to late
NUCCIO'S GEM Medium to large, pure white, formal double, early to mid
NUCCIO'S CAMEO Large, coral pink, formal double to rose form double, early to late
NUCCIO'S CAROUSEL Large, soft pink shading to darker at the edges, semi double, bell shaped, early to late
NUCCIO'S JEWEL Medium, soft white shaded orchid pink to the edges, loose peony, slow, mid to late
NUCCIO'S PEARL Medium, blush white lightly shaded orchid pink, formal double, mid to late, compact
NUCCIO'S PINK LACE Large, blush pink, semi double to anemone, early to late
OTAHUHU BEAUTY Medium, deep rose pink, full peony, mid
OTOME Small, palest shell pink, formal double with incurved petals, mid to late
OUR MELISSA (h) Miniature, pale pink, anemone form, mat olive green foliage, weeping habit, mid
PAOLINA MAGGI Large, pure white with a insignificant occasional pink stripe, formal double, mid to late
PHILLIPA IFOULD Medium, soft peach pink, formal double, mid to late
PINK GOLD Large, orchid pink, semi double, early to mid
POLAR BEAR Large, chalky white, semi double hose in hose with centre of short stamens/petaloids, mid
POPE JOHN XXIII Medium to large, pure white, formal double with velvet textured petals, mid
PRINCE EUGENE NAPOLEON Medium, cherry red, formal double, mid
PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM Medium, rose pink, formal double, mid
RAMONA Medium, light pink, formal double. early to mid, vigorous upright growth
RED ENSIGN Large, scarlet crimson , semi double, drooping creamy yellow stamens, mid
REDGROVE Medium, red, rose form double, mid
RED RED ROSE Medium to large, brilliant red, formal double, mid to late
R.L.WHEELER Very large, rich rose pink, semi double to anemone, often variegated, mid to late
ROGER HALL Small, clear red, formal double, slightly incurved petals, early to late, upright
ROMA RISORTA Medium, pink streaked carmine, rose form double, mid
SAN DIMAS Medium, dark red, semi double, early to mid
SAWADA'S DREAM Medium to large, white centre graduating to flesh pink, formal double, early to mid
SCENTED SUN (h) Very Large, white with occasional pink stripe, semi double, upright, mid
SCENTSATION Medium large, silvery pink, peony, fragrant, mid
SCENTUOUS (h) Small, white backed pink, fragrant, semi double, mid to late
SHIRAGIKU Medium, pure white shading cream at the base, formal double, mid to late (recorded 1681)
SHIRO CHAN Very large, pure white, anemone form, mid to late
SHOCKING PINK (h) Medium, tyrian rose, rose form to formal double, mid to late, compact upright
SHOW TIME Very large, clear light pink, semi double, petals and petaloids fluted
SPRING MIST (h) Miniature, blush pink, semi double, yellow tipped cream stamens, early to mid, fragrant
SILVER CHALICE Large, pure silver white, full peony, mid
SNOW DROP (h) Miniature, white flushed pink, gold tipped stamens, abundant single flowers all season
SPECIOSISSIMA Large, pure carmine red, anemone form, early to late
SPENCER'S PINK Medium, clear pink, single, long flowering, early
SPRING FESTIVAL (h) Small, pink, rose form double, floriforous, mid
SPRING SONNET Medium, pink with mauve pink edges, semi double, mid
SWEET EMILY KATE (h) Small, blush pink tinted darker, peony, fragrant, weeping, mid to late
TABBS Medium, crimson marbled & splotched white, informal double, mid
TAKANINI Small to medium, deep plum red, anemone, early to late
TAMA-NO-URA Medium, red edged white, single, early to mid
TAMZIN COULL (h) Large, deep pink, rose form formal double, mid
THE CZAR Very large, crimson red, semi double, heavily veined, mid
TAROKAJA Small to medium, pink with gold tipped stamens, single, early, (Wabisuke type)
TIFFANY Large, orchid pink, ruffled loose peony, mid to late
TINSIE (Bokuhan) Miniature, deep red with white petaloids, anemone, mid
TINY PRINCESS (h) Miniature, blush pink, form varied single semi double peony, floriforous, mid to late
TIPTOE (h) Medium, soft silvery pink, semi double, early to mid
TOKI-NO-HAGASANE Medium, palest pink to white, semi double, late
TOM KNUDSEN Medium, dark red, semi double, gold stamens, mid
TOM THUMB Small to medium, mid pink bordered white, formal double, mid
TOMORROW Very large, strawberry red, semi double to peony, early to mid
TOMORROW PARK HILL Very large, bright pink shading lighter in the centre, semi double to peony, early to mid
TOMORROW'S DAWN Very large, light pink edging lighter, semi double to peony, mid
TOOTSIE Medium, chalk white, formal double, spreading, mid to late
TWILIGHT Large, white to blush pink, formal double, mid
UNRYU Small to medium, crimson with deeper veining, single with gold tipped stamens, zigzag stems
WALTZ TIME (h) Very large, lilac pink, semi double, mid, vigorous & bushy
WATER LILY (h) Medium to large, tyrian rose, formal double, petal edges incurved, mid
WHITE NUN Large, pure white, semi double, crepe petals and pale lemon stamens, mid
WHITE WARATAH Medium, delicate white, anemone form, with massed petaloids, mid
WILDFIRE Medium, brilliant orange red, semi double, early to mid
WILLIAM BARTLETT Large, pink with darker fleck, formal double, early to mid
WILLIAM BULL Medium, deep rose pink, formal double, mid
WILLIAM HONEY Medium, white striped carmine, semi to incomplete double, mid to late
WIRLINGA BELLE (h) Small, soft pink, single, floriforous, arching, mid
WIRLINGA PRINCESS (h) Miniature to small, palest pink with darker tints, single, floriforous, open arching growth, mid
WYNNE RAYNER (h) Medium to large, deep rose pink, semi double, early - mid
[ 本帖最后由 bobo 于 2007-10-13 20:30 编辑 ] |