





楼主: xzlcc




 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xzlcc 于 2010-4-19 09:48 编辑
月见草 发表于 2009-3-11 10:02



 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xzlcc 于 2010-4-19 09:49 编辑
zmymoon 发表于 2009-3-11 14:27



 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xzlcc 于 2009-3-11 20:24 编辑

克莱尔奥斯汀 ( Ausprior )
David Austin Recommended Variety
English Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By
David Austin Roses
Flower Type
Double/Full Bloom
也有一些是有点特别的白玫瑰-他们都是纯度和轻-但真正的白玫瑰是罕见中英文混合茶玫瑰和玫瑰一样的。  这是因为白玫瑰很难繁殖。 '克莱尔奥斯汀'熊pleasingly杯状芽苍白柠檬色调的逐步开放,形成大,奶油,白色花朵的典型英语麝香美味;其花瓣完全同心圆排列,也有一些较为松散安排在中心。 他们拥有强大的基础上没药香味与破折号的,香草和鸡血石。 它形式典雅,拱灌木与丰富,绿色的树叶中。  强大的,尤其是健康毫无疑问,我们的最好的白玫瑰至今。

Claire Austin is David Austin’s daughter.
She has a nursery which specialises in hardy plants, including the country’s finest collection of irises, peonies and day lilies.

4.5 ft. x 3 ft. or 8 ft. as a climber.
四点五英尺× 3方呎或八英尺作为一个登山者。


发表于 2009-3-11 20:24 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:28 | 显示全部楼层

瑞典女王, ( Austiger )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Hardiness 抗寒  Hardy 哈迪  
Fragrance 香水  Light 光  
Repeating 重复  Good 良好的  

Here we have a rose of exceptional freshness and beauty. 在这里,我们有特殊的新鲜玫瑰和美丽。 The flowers start as charming little buds, gradually opening out to form wide but shallow cups. 花朵开始迷人的小芽,逐步开放,以形成广泛而浅杯。 These are beautiful at all stages, and have a pleasing formality of form. 这些都是美丽的所有阶段,并有一个愉快的形式手续。

The colour is the softest glowing pink with hints of apricot. 颜色是粉红色的柔软的光辉与提示杏 这一数字形式相当正直和浓密的灌木,并有吸引力的麝香玫瑰树叶是非常自由的疾病。 The growth is short to medium in height. 的增长是短期和中,这是一个极好的上升,床上用品,边界或安排在众议院;花长达数天的水。

There is a light myrrh fragrance. 有鉴于药香味。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:31 | 显示全部楼层

番玫瑰 ( Ausquest )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Colour 肤色  Soft apricot paling to cream. 软杏栅栏以奶油。  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Size 大小  Medium Shrub 中等灌木
Short Climber 短期机甲

Hardiness 抗寒  Very hardy 非常耐寒  
Fragrance 香水  Tea. 茶。
Medium 中等  
Repeating 重复  Good 良好的  
Special Characteristics 特色  Particularly free-flowering. 尤其是自由开花。  

(syn. Emanuel) (又称以马内利)

This is a very robust and free flowering rose, bearing large, rosette-shaped flowers that are cupped at first; the petals later reflexing. 这是一个非常强大和自由开花上升,同时大型,玫瑰花形的花朵,是杯状首先;花瓣后reflexing 。 The colour is soft apricot, paling to cream on the outer petals. 颜色软杏,栅栏,以霜外花瓣。 The flowers are produced very freely, in large clusters elegantly poised on the end of slightly arching stems. 花朵是产生了非常自由,这在很大程度上集群的优雅准备年底略有拱茎。 They have a delightful Tea Rose fragrance. 他们有一个愉快的茶玫瑰香水。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:33 | 显示全部楼层

Scepter'd岛 ( Ausland )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Colour 肤色  Soft Pink 软粉红  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Size 大小  Medium Shrub 中等灌木

Hardiness 抗寒  Hardy 哈迪  
Fragrance 香水  Myrrh 没药
Strong 强壮的  
Repeating 重复  Good 良好的  
Special Characteristics 特色  Won the RNRS Henry Edland award for fragrance 赢得了RNRS亨利Edland奖香水  

This is a charming rose which bears numerous, cupped flowers, with yellow stamens visible within. 这是一个迷人的上涨负有众多,杯状花朵,与黄色的雄蕊可见内。

The colour is a soft pink shading to a paler pink on the outer petals. 颜色是一种软粉红色阴影到苍白粉红色的外花瓣。

Its growth is rather upright, with its flowers held above the foliage. 它的增长是相当正直的,其花了上述的树叶。 It flowers freely and continuously. 它花自由和不断。

There is a powerful fragrance - an outstanding example of the English Rose fragrance, based on the myrrh note introduced with ‘Constance Spry’. 有一个强大的香水-一个杰出的例子,英文玫瑰香水的基础上 , 没药注意到了与'康斯轻快。

Winner of the RNRS Henry Edland Award for fragrance. 胜利者的RNRS亨利Edland奖香味。

3 x 2.5 ft. 3 ×二点五英尺

Scepter'd Isle is our current featured rose. Scepter'd岛是我们目前精选上涨。 The price shown includes a 10% discount from the normal price of £10.95 each or £28.25 for three. 价格显示,包括10 %的折扣价格从正常的十点九五英镑每个或二十八点二五英镑3 。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:36 | 显示全部楼层

Darcey帕歇尔 ( Ausdecorum )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Size 大小  Medium Shrub 中等灌木

Hardiness 抗寒  Hardy 哈迪  
Fragrance 香水  Medium 中等  
Repeating 重复  Good 良好的  

Good red roses are never easy to breed, so we are particularly pleased to introduce Darcey Bussell as we believe it is one of the best and most healthy red roses we have bred to date. 良好的红玫瑰是从来就不是一件容易滋生,因此我们特别高兴地介绍Darcey帕歇尔因为我们认为它是最好和最健康的红玫瑰,我们饲养至今。 Its beautiful flowers are produced freely and with excellent continuity. 美丽的花卉生产自由和具有良好的连续性。 When young, their outer petals form a perfect ring around an inner cup; gradually opening out to form a perfect rosette. 当年轻,它们的外部花瓣形成一个完美的周围内杯;逐步开放,以形成一个完善的花环。 The colour is a deep rich crimson that takes on a tinge of mauve just before the petals drop. 颜色是深丰富深红,考虑对色彩的淡紫色的花瓣前下降。 It has a pleasing, fruity fragrance with hints of green notes. 它有一个愉快,水果香味的绿色与提示说明。

This rose, with its short, bushy growth, is an excellent shrub for the front of the border or for planting in formal rose beds. 这一数字,其短,浓密的增长,是一个极好的灌木为前面的边界或种植在正式上涨病床。 It will make an excellent plant for a large pot. 它将使一个极好的工厂一大壶。 It is our first fully double crimson to be released since the best selling William Shakespeare 2000 and is perfect for gardeners who would prefer a more compact shrub. 这是我们首次完全双深红发布以来最畅销的威廉莎士比亚2000年,是完美的园丁谁希望有一个更紧凑的灌木。

Darcey Bussell is the highly acclaimed ballerina. Darcey帕歇尔是备受好评的芭蕾舞演员。 She was appointed principal at the Royal Ballet at the age of 20 and has danced in the title role of many ballets around the world. 她被任命为校长的英国皇家芭蕾舞团在20岁以下,并在标题中跳舞的作用许多芭蕾舞在世界各地。 She has been honoured with many awards including the OBE in 1995. 她已荣获许多大奖,包括端甫于1995年。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:39 | 显示全部楼层

宋夏 ( Austango )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Hardiness 抗寒  Very hardy 非常耐寒  
Fragrance 香水  Strong 强壮的  
Repeating 重复  Excellent 优秀  

This is a rose of beautiful and unusual colouring that is hard to describe – burnt orange would be one possibility. 这是一个成长的美丽和不寻常的颜色是很难描述-烧毁橙色将是可能的。 As such,Summer Song is a valuable addition to our collection, since it is so useful for mingling with other shades such as apricot and yellow. 因此,夏季宋是一种宝贵的除了我们的收集,因为这是非常有益的交融与其他颜色,如杏黄色。

The flower starts as a rounded bud that gradually opens to a full cup, with many inner petals arranged rather informally within a perfect ring of outer petals. 花开始作为一个圆形芽逐步打开充分杯,有许多内在的花瓣内非正式安排,而一个完美的环外花瓣。

It has a lovely strong, mixed scent, which our fragrance expert tells us is ‘like a florist’s shop, with hints of chrysanthemum leaves, ripe bananas and tea’. 它有一个可爱的强有力的,混合的气味,我们的香水专家告诉我们是'像一个花店的商店,并暗示菊花叶,成熟的香蕉和茶叶。

It forms a bushy, upright shrub that can be pruned to grow tall or short, according to your requirements. 它形成了一个浓密,直立灌木,可修剪或短期高增长,根据您的要求。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:44 | 显示全部楼层

威廉莎士比亚 ( 2000年 Ausromeo )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Colour 肤色  Richest, velvety crimson changing to rich purple. 丰富的,天鹅绒般的变化,以丰富的深红紫色。  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Size 大小  Medium Shrub 中等灌木

Hardiness 抗寒  Hardy 哈迪  
Fragrance 香水  Old Roses 老玫瑰
Strong 强壮的  
Repeating 重复  Good 良好的  
Special Characteristics 特色  Superb, richly coloured flowers on a very disease resistant, rounded shrub. 优质的,丰富的颜色的花很抗病,四舍五入灌木。 Excellent repeat flowering. 优秀重复开花。  

Without doubt, the best crimson English Rose to date. 毫无疑问,最好的英语上升到深红的日期。 It is a truly superb variety with exquisite blooms of the richest velvety crimson, gradually changing to an equally rich purple. 这是一个真正一流的各种精美花朵最富有的天鹅绒般的深红,逐步改变以同样丰富的紫色。 Deeply cupped at first, the flower soon opens out to a shallow quartered cup. 深杯状在第一,花很快打开了一个浅水营杯。 The growth is neat and upright; each stem bearing a number of flowers. 整洁的增长是正派;每个干轴承一些鲜花。

This rose has the strong, warm Old Rose fragrance that we expect, but do not always find, in deep red roses. 这一数字有强大的,温暖的老玫瑰香水,我们期待,但并不总是发现,在深海红玫瑰。 Excellent disease resistance. 良好的抗病性。

We have planted a large bed of William Shakespeare and a mixed border of English and Old Roses at Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon. 我们已经种植了大床的威廉莎士比亚和混合边界的英文和老玫瑰在莎士比亚的故乡埃文河畔斯特拉特福。 Shakespeare himself has been voted 'Man of the Millennium'. 莎士比亚本人也被评为'曼千年' 。
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