





楼主: xzlcc




发表于 2009-3-11 20:47 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:52 | 显示全部楼层

日照港 ( Auslofty )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Hardiness 抗寒  Hardy 哈迪  
Fragrance 香水  Strong 强壮的  
Repeating 重复  Excellent 优秀  

This rose bears medium sized flowers of rich apricot colouring. 这一数字熊中型鲜花丰富杏染色。 They are of flat rosette shape and slightly quartered at the centre; the outer petals falling back a little and becoming paler. 它们的形状和平面花环略有驻扎在该中心;外层花瓣回落一点,变得苍白。 They have a rich Tea fragrance. 他们有丰富的茶叶的香味。 The foliage and young stems are bronzy-red at first, becoming a fairly dark green. 叶和茎的青铜色的年轻红在第一,成为一个相当深绿色。 The growth is vigorous and rather upright, about 5 ft. in height by 3.5 ft. across, making it ideal for the back of a mixed border where it will compete well with other plants. 的增长活力,而直立,大约五英尺高度的三点五英尺跨越,成为理想的回混合边界的地方将与其他植物。 It is very resistant to disease. 这是非常抗病。 All in all, a good, reliable variety. 总之,在一个良好的,可靠的品种。

It is named after the model village in the Wirral built by William Hesketh Lever, where they have a beautiful garden of English Roses. 它的名字命名的示范村,建立了威廉威勒尔赫斯基思杠杆,他们在那里有一个美丽的花园的英国玫瑰。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:54 | 显示全部楼层

草莓山 ( Ausrimini )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Colour 肤色  Rose pink 粉红色的玫瑰  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Size 大小  Medium Shrub 中等灌木

Hardiness 抗寒  Hardy 哈迪  
Fragrance 香水  A particularly fine myrrh fragrance 尤其罚款没药香水
Strong 强壮的  
Repeating 重复  Excellent 优秀  

Strawberry Hill bears medium sized, pure rose pink, cupped rosettes of superb quality. 草莓山熊中型,纯粉色,杯状花的质量上乘。 Their colour gradually pales to a lighter pink at the edges of the petals, eventually exposing glimpses of yellow stamens at the centre. 他们的肤色逐渐黯然失色,以较轻的粉红色的花瓣边缘,最终揭露瞥见黄色的雄蕊的中心。 The blooms are beautiful at all stages. 盛开的美丽的各个阶段。

The growth is tall, vigorous and rather informal, with small clusters of blooms held on slightly arching brances. 身高的增长,充满活力和而非正式的,小群华举行略拱brances 。 Strawberry Hill is very healthy with glossy, dark green foliage. 草莓山是非常健康的光泽,深绿色的树叶。 This is a wonderful choice for a position to the rear of a mixed border, or for a border of shrub roses. 这是一个美妙的选择有能力的后部混合边界,或边界蔷薇科灌木。

Strawberry Hill was awarded the Prix d'Honneur for fragrance from Nantes in 2007. 草莓山被授予国家荣获大奖赛的香水南特在2007年。

Strawberry Hill is named to commemorate a beautiful house at Twickenham, built by Horace Walpole, the youngest son of the first British Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole, in the style of the Gothic revival. 草莓山命名,以纪念一个美丽的房子肯纳姆,建立了霍勒斯•沃波尔,最小的儿子第一次英国首相罗伯特沃波尔爵士,在风格的哥特复兴。 He laid out a fine garden which is currently being restored. 他制定了一个罚款花园目前正在恢复。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 20:58 | 显示全部楼层

玫瑰的阿尼克 ( Ausgrab )
David Austin Recommended Variety 大卫奥斯汀推荐品种

Category 分类  English Roses 英国玫瑰  
(English Rose Collection) (英文玫瑰征收)  
Bred By 育成的  David Austin 大卫奥斯汀  
Colour 肤色  Soft Pink 软粉红  
Flower Type 花型  Double/Full Bloom 双人/盛开  
Size 大小  Medium Shrub 中等灌木

Hardiness 抗寒  Hardy 哈迪  
Fragrance 香水  Old Rose with a hint of raspberry 老玫瑰与暗示树莓
Strong 强壮的  
Repeating 重复  Good 良好的  
Special Characteristics 特色  Very beautiful, full flowers of a lovely soft pink. 非常美丽,充满鲜花的一个可爱的软粉红色。 Strongly fragrant. 郁烈。  

Pretty rich pink, cup shaped buds gradually open to a deeply cupped flower; later developing into a broad, full-petalled, shallow cup of a soft pink which is paler at the outer edges - a most pleasing progression. 相当丰富的粉红色,杯形花蕾逐步开放了深刻杯状花;后来发展成为一个广泛的,全面petalled ,浅杯软粉色是苍白的边缘-一个最令人高兴的进展。

The flowers are beautiful at all stages; this illustrates very well the great variety of form to be found in the Old Rose style. 花朵是美丽的各个阶段的工作;这表明非常伟大的各种形式中可以找到旧玫瑰风格。

'The Alnwick Rose' has nice rounded, bushy growth and produces its bloom intermittently from early summer to the onset of frost. '的阿尼克玫瑰'已经不错四舍五入,浓密的增长和生产的间歇布卢姆从初夏的霜冻出现。 Plentiful green foliage ideally complements the flower. 丰富的绿色树叶理想补充了花。

There is a good Old Rose fragrance with just a hint of raspberry. 这是一个很好的老玫瑰香水,只需暗示树莓。

We are pleased to name this rose after the superb Alnwick Garden. 我们高兴地命名这个上涨后的高超阿尼克花园。 The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland are constructing what we believe will be one of the great gardens of Britain, which will include many English Roses. 公爵和公爵夫人的诺森伯兰郡正在建设我们认为将是一个伟大的英国花园,其中将包括许多英国玫瑰。


发表于 2009-3-11 20:59 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-3-11 21:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-3-11 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zmymoon 于 2009-3-11 21:28 编辑



发表于 2009-3-11 21:42 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-3-11 21:45 | 显示全部楼层
Claire Austin...William Shakespeare 2000 不错啊。本来在唐山boy那里订了,后来因为临时原因撤单。不然的话我的也快到手了吧。种这么多的玫瑰,真是便宜了我的那些芳邻了,因为他们晒被子和我种月季是在同一个平台,所以经常给我在花盆里撒泡尿,或者用指甲掐掐嫩芽什么的,由此来获得一种存在感,大麻烦倒也没有。。。



发表于 2009-3-11 22:49 | 显示全部楼层
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